#allele comment reference apn2::ura4+ @nt56-1496 mcm4-td temperature-inducible degron PMID:11854402 mcm4-tstd temperature-sensitive degron PMID:11854402 seb1-1 oroginal mutants reported without intron as A45G,T132A,G226A,T1194C,T1260A,A1324G,A1570G PMID:24013500 git7-93 duplication of codons 345 to 363 PMID:12456004 sgo1-CD-fusion ectopically centromere localized PMID:18716626 TetR-D(1-302)Mph1 ectopically centromere localized PMID:18716626 mcl1-3(mcl1-3xHA) affects silencing without affecting growth PMID:38285941 mcl1-4(mcl1-3xFLAG) affects silencing without affecting growth PMID:38285941 atp1-R351 revertant of atp1-2313 PB_REF:0000005 atp1-2313 Q200L = bovineQ173L PB_REF:0000005 atp2-B591 Q214Y = bovineQ170Y PB_REF:0000005 atp2-R4-3 revertant of atp2-B591 PB_REF:0000005 arg1-1 Was described as E136K,S187N but this does not map to sequence PB_REF:0000005 tti2-CKO β-estradiol-induced loss of expression, progressive proliferation defects, but no obvious decrease in cell viability within the time frame analysed PMID:31748520 tra2-CKO β-estradiol-induced loss of expression, progressive proliferation defects, but no obvious decrease in cell viability within the time frame analysed PMID:31748520 bir1-N-5D phosphomimetic PMID:20739936 bir1-N-5a non-phosphorylatable PMID:20739936 atg43-1 bioneer collection atg43 deletion is atg43-1(atg43::kanMX4(nt49-203)) PB_REF:0000005 mde4-12A non-phosphorylatable PMID:19523829 mde4-12D phophomimetic PMID:19523829 gad8-K259D kinase dead PMID:24928510 sid2-as4 analog sensitive PMID:22684255 fin1-as3 analog sensitive PMID:22684255 fin1-KD kinase dead PMID:22684255 #plo1-cnp3(fusion) centromere tethered PMID:28497540 cnd2-TEV protease inactivated PMID:21633354 cnp3C-TEV protease inactivated PMID:21633354 cdc2-as cdc2-1-NM-PP1-sensitive PMID:32084401 clr4-F449Y blocks conversion of H3K9me2 to H3K9me3 PMID:28682306 rad21-13A non cleavable PMID:29735656 rad21-13E hypercleavable PMID:29735656 sla1-R256E,R257L NLS mutated PMID:14665462 git2-61 allele description pers. comm C.H, unpublished PB_REF:0000005 sec8-1 published as Q992* but gene structure was subsequently updated PMID:11854409 pom1-6A 6 regions with multiple S/T mutated to A PMID:21703453 mis17-362 background genomic mutations PB_REF:0000005 sre1-N constitutively active PB_REF:0000005 cnd2-3E phosphomimetic PB_REF:0000005 ark1-as2 analog sensitive PB_REF:0000005 ark1-as3 analog sensitive PB_REF:0000005 rlc1-DD phosphomimetic PB_REF:0000005 myo2-S1444D phosphomimetic PB_REF:0000005 rif1-12D phosphomimetic PB_REF:0000005 tpx1-stop causes frameshift at codon 26 and stop at codon 71 PB_REF:0000005 #mei4Δ(828-1554nt)::GFP PB_REF:0000005 rps2202-idelta deletes UTR intron PB_REF:0000005 dbp2-i2delta deletes second intron PB_REF:0000005 rps2202-A>G Mmi1-binding site mutant PB_REF:0000005 tpz1(1-484) poz1-interaction domain deletion PB_REF:0000005 tpz1(1-484),L449R poz1-interaction domain deletion and point mutation PB_REF:0000005 res1-1-192 DNA binding domain deletion PB_REF:0000005 cds1-D312E kinase dead PB_REF:0000005 #nmt1:pyp3 inducible constitutive pyp3 expression PB_REF:0000005 psm1-K536A abolishes mono-methylation of lysine 536 PB_REF:0000005 psm1-K536A,K1200A abolishes mono-methylation of lysines 536 and 1200 PB_REF:0000005 rad3-D2249E kinase dead PB_REF:0000005 cdr1-K41A kinase dead PB_REF:0000005 pht1-4KR mimics unacetylated form PB_REF:0000005 pht1-4KQ mimics acetylated form PB_REF:0000005 mdn1-ts26 has 5 aa substitutions, but I3280M alone confers temperature sensitivity PB_REF:0000005 myo1::his3+ may express aa 1-248 PB_REF:0000005 wsp1::leu1+ may express aa 1-346 PB_REF:0000005 hta1-S129A name as in paper; description uses numbering after initiator Met removal PB_REF:0000005 hta2-S128A name as in paper; description uses numbering after initiator Met removal PB_REF:0000005 fin1-as3 analog sensitive PB_REF:0000005 sid2-as4 analog sensitive PB_REF:0000005 cdc2-as analog sensitive PB_REF:0000005 mcm2delta::his3+ internal XhoI/BglII fragment replaced PMID:9914167 mcm3delta::his3+ his3+ fragment replaces aa 90-719 PMID:9705504 mcm4delta::his3+ internal NsiI fragment replaced PMID:9914167 mcm5delta::his3+ his3+ fragment inserted at unique BamHI site (aa 206) PMID:9914167 mcm6delta::his3+ his3+ fragment inserted at unique EcoRV site (aa 662) PMID:9914167 mcm7delta::his3+ his3+ fragment replaces aa 82-673 PMID:11606526 ypt1delta::ura4+ internal HindIII fragment replaced PMID:2328721 ypt3delta::ura4+ internal BglII fragment replaced PMID:2328721 cap1delta::ura4+ expression is probably null PMID:1550959 orc1delta::ura4+ paper doesn't say whether deletion is partial or complete PMID:7502077 dis2delta::ura4+ internal HindIII fragment replaced PMID:2544292 pac1delta::ura4+ internal AccI-MluI fragment replaced PMID:1989884 dfp1delta::ura4+ internal HindIII fragment (aa 223-364) replaced PMID:10409743 met9::ura4+ internal HindIII fragment replaced PMID:12112238 stx8deltaSN lacks the SNARE domain PMID:33788833 stx8-122-131A aa122-131 changed to alanines PMID:33788833 stx8-132-141A aa132-141 changed to alanines PMID:33788833 stx8-142-151A aa142-151 changed to alanines PMID:33788833 mug14-STREP-KO1 one STREP motif (CCCCTC) deleted from mug14 promoter PMID:34086083 mug14-STREP-KO2 one STREP motif (CCCCTC) deleted from mug14 promoter PMID:34086083 mug14-STREP-KO3 both STREP motifs (CCCCTC) deleted from mug14 promoter PMID:34086083 ade6-704 previously estimated by positional mapping to be C846A7; theoretically both T645A and C846A create a UGA stop codon suppressible by sup3-55 PMID:31712578 tif211-S52A ntT154C,C156G PMID:17369398 nup98-tail(uncleavable) expressed from cDNA derived from spliced nup189 transcript isoform PMID:26137436 alp7-5A(S50A,S51A,T100A,T116A,T131A) warning: same name as alp7-5A(K341,Y344,R346,K347,Y348) PMID:29021344 alp7-5A(K341,Y344,R346,K347,Y348) warning: same name as alp7-5A(S50A, S51A, T100A, T116A, T131A) PMID:24790093 cdc13-RLuc C-terminal fusion with luciferase, hypomorph PMID:33683349 sle1delta298-636 eisosome targeting domain PMID:22869600 gad8-K259R kinase dead PMID:26912660 gsk3-K61A kinase dead PMID:8524294 cki3-K44R kinase dead PMID:26525038 cdc13delta1-67 nondegradable cyclin B PMID:24583014 gsa1delta204-218 pombe-specific region deleted PMID:12734194 plo1-TEVAA341 protease cleavable PMID:28497540 plo1-TEVAA341 protease cleavable PMID:25533956 pho8-m2 zinc binding mutant , site2 PMID:31239353 pho8-m1 zinc binding mutant, site1 PMID:31239353 sty1-T97A analogue sensitive PMID:20075862 sty1-T97A analogue sensitive PMID:32915139 cdk9-T120G analogue sensitive PMID:32496538 cdk9-T120G analogue sensitive PMID:29899453 cdk9-T120G analogue sensitive PMID:19328067 cdc23-tstd C239Y=cdc23-1E3, ts degron is combined with a temperature-sensitive allele PMID:12972571 cdc23-S424::TEV TEV cleavable PMID:15941470 cdc13delta90 deletion of cyclin destruction box PMID:9034336 lsk1-F353G analogue sensitive PMID:29899453 lsk1-F353G analogue sensitive PMID:19328067 mcs6-L87G analogue sensitive PMID:19328067 arf6-T52N-mNG GDP-locked PMID:34958661 ark1-K147R Kinase dead PMID:11950927 rad3-D2249E kinase dead PMID:22354040 ppb1deltaC Constitutively active PMID:32571823 top2-250 cold sensitive PMID:2827111 cdk8-D158A kinase dead PMID:22451489 psc3-4T temperature sensitive PMID:31278118