notice: no taxon filter - annotation will be loaded for all taxa line 1: text doesn't look like a GO ID: GO:XXX - skipping line 2: not enough fields - skipping line 4: gene feature not found, none of the identifiers ( ) from this annotation match a systematic ID in Chado - skipping line 5: not enough fields - skipping line 6: not enough fields - skipping line 15: can't load annotation, GO:0180042 not found in database line 16: can't load annotation, GO:0180042 not found in database line 17: can't load annotation, GO:0180042 not found in database ignoring IC from value containing a pipe ("|") at line 18: GO:0004376|GO:0051751 line 18: date not in YYYY-MM-DD(ISO) or YYYMMDD format: 2024D0620 - skipping line 52: can't find term with ID: CHEBI:46245 line 11321: not enough fields - skipping line 11322: not enough fields - skipping line 15694: date missing - skipping