notice: no taxon filter - annotation will be loaded for all taxa line 1: text doesn't look like a GO ID: GO:XXXXXXX - skipping line 2: not enough fields - skipping line 3: gene feature not found, none of the identifiers (SPBC28F2.1 ) from this annotation match a systematic ID in Chado - skipping line 4: gene feature not found, none of the identifiers (SPBC28F2.1 ) from this annotation match a systematic ID in Chado - skipping line 14: not enough fields - skipping line 18: not enough fields - skipping line 51: annotation extension qualifier on SPBC18H10.05.1 not understood: : line 7107: can't load annotation, GO:0005967 not found in database line 7108: can't load annotation, GO:0005967 not found in database line 7109: can't load annotation, GO:0005967 not found in database line 7110: can't load annotation, GO:0005967 not found in database line 7111: can't load annotation, GO:0005967 not found in database line 7112: can't load annotation, GO:0005967 not found in database line 9273: can't load annotation, GO:0009353 not found in database line 9274: can't load annotation, GO:0009353 not found in database line 9275: can't load annotation, GO:0009353 not found in database line 15847: taxon is not a number - skipping line 15870: taxon is not a number - skipping