mRNA SPBC16A3.07c.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0000122) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0071930) for EMBL term name negative regulation of transcription involved in G1/S phase of mitotic cell cycle (Chado term name: negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter) name mRNA SPBC16C6.06.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0007034) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0006896) for EMBL term name Golgi to vacuole transport (Chado term name: vacuolar transport) name mRNA SPBC3B9.06c.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0006612) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0006623) for EMBL term name protein targeting to vacuole (Chado term name: protein targeting to membrane) name mRNA SPBC3B9.15c.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0019432) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0010867) for EMBL term name positive regulation of triglyceride biosynthetic process (Chado term name: triglyceride biosynthetic process) name mRNA SPCC1020.11c.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0005783) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0072546) for EMBL term name ER membrane protein complex (Chado term name: endoplasmic reticulum) name mRNA SPCC16C4.01.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0007127) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0007126) for EMBL term name meiosis (Chado term name: meiosis I) name mRNA SPCC1739.10.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0007126) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0030437) for EMBL term name ascospore formation (Chado term name: meiosis) name mRNA SPCC1753.04.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0006555) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0009086) for EMBL term name methionine biosynthetic process (Chado term name: methionine metabolic process) name ncRNA SPNCRNA.128.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0006364) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0008033) for EMBL term name tRNA processing (Chado term name: rRNA processing) name