Check for exists_during() extensions where the range of the relation isn't in the cell cycle phase part of GO - CHECK FAILURE: expected 0 but got 81 session uniquename name c22f209fe76ffcd8 SPBP19A11.04c.1 cell cortex of cell tip [exists_during] mitotic cytokinesis c29f51c4cc86096d SPAC110.03.1 cell cortex of growing cell tip [exists_during] cellular response to heat [exists_during] monopolar cell growth c29f51c4cc86096d SPAC16E8.09.1 cell cortex of growing cell tip [exists_during] cellular response to heat [exists_during] monopolar cell growth c29f51c4cc86096d SPAC24H6.09.1 cell cortex of growing cell tip [exists_during] cellular response to heat [exists_during] monopolar cell growth c29f51c4cc86096d SPBC19G7.05c.1 cell cortex of growing cell tip [exists_during] cellular response to heat [exists_during] monopolar cell growth c29f51c4cc86096d SPCC1235.10c.1 cell cortex of growing cell tip [exists_during] cellular response to heat [exists_during] monopolar cell growth c29f51c4cc86096d SPCC1919.10c.1 cell cortex of growing cell tip [exists_during] cellular response to heat [exists_during] monopolar cell growth b86c94d0c7fb4dcc SPAC17G8.12.1 cell division site [exists_during] actomyosin contractile ring contraction c774be17d27e4ae9 SPAC630.03.1 cell division site [exists_during] cytokinesis 1a9429aa838169ed SPAC24B11.11c.1 cell division site [exists_during] mitotic actomyosin contractile ring contraction 5e219fdc549363e4 SPAC821.12.1 cell division site [exists_during] mitotic cytokinesis 885eefd237119afe SPAC23C4.12.1 cell division site [exists_during] mitotic cytokinesis 885eefd237119afe SPBC3H7.15.1 cell division site [exists_during] mitotic cytokinesis b793085c4da3e210 SPBC1539.08.1 cell division site [exists_during] mitotic cytokinesis bc9efc288e644f66 SPAC1834.06c.1 cell division site [exists_during] mitotic cytokinesis c22f209fe76ffcd8 SPAC1834.06c.1 cell division site [exists_during] mitotic cytokinesis c22f209fe76ffcd8 SPBC17F3.02.1 cell division site [exists_during] mitotic cytokinesis e254a152e54d321b SPCC970.04c.1 cell division site [exists_during] mitotic cytokinesis fc448a004fc8f2f8 SPAC2C4.14c.1 cell division site [exists_during] mitotic cytokinesis 30da765280e4ffe0 SPAPB2B4.03.1 chromatin [coincident_with] origin_of_replication [exists_during] G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle [coincident_with] PomBase:SPAPB2B4.03 30da765280e4ffe0 SPAPB2B4.03.1 chromatin [coincident_with] origin_of_replication [exists_during] G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle [coincident_with] PomBase:SPBC14C8.07c 30da765280e4ffe0 SPAPB2B4.03.1 chromatin [coincident_with] origin_of_replication [exists_during] G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle [coincident_with] PomBase:SPBC428.18 28bb12c162a98275 SPAC30D11.10.1 chromatin [coincident_with] origin_of_replication [exists_during] replication fork processing 0de8787e35f61acb SPBC29A10.03c.1 chromatin [exists_during] DNA replication-dependent chromatin assembly 37237b530ab38bc9 SPBC25D12.03c.1 chromatin [exists_during] G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle 3f8f5cce464b7ae1 SPAC17D4.02.1 chromatin [exists_during] G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle 3f8f5cce464b7ae1 SPAC3H5.06c.1 chromatin [exists_during] G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle 3f8f5cce464b7ae1 SPBC211.04c.1 chromatin [exists_during] G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle 4488533ca5f8fdc3 SPAC6B12.10c.1 chromatin [exists_during] G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle 4488533ca5f8fdc3 SPBC725.13c.1 chromatin [exists_during] G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle a0db0af7ec94b4a9 SPAC17D4.02.1 chromatin [exists_during] G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle [coincident_with] origin_of_replication a0db0af7ec94b4a9 SPAC24H6.06.1 chromatin [exists_during] G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle [coincident_with] origin_of_replication b4e1296fce6fa566 SPCC16A11.17.1 chromatin [exists_during] exit from mitosis 7097a362b55929af SPCC16A11.17.1 chromatin [exists_during] mitotic cell cycle G1 arrest in response to pheromone 3d88b1b5a61259cf SPAPB1E7.02c.1 chromatin [exists_during] traversing start control point of mitotic cell cycle 4488533ca5f8fdc3 SPAC6B12.10c.1 chromatin [exists_during] traversing start control point of mitotic cell cycle 4488533ca5f8fdc3 SPBC725.13c.1 chromatin [exists_during] traversing start control point of mitotic cell cycle [null] SPCC1442.12.1 cytoplasm [exists_during] G1 to G0 transition 3f8f5cce464b7ae1 SPAC6B12.10c.1 cytoplasm [exists_during] G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle fd98ac563a6f67cc SPAC1F7.04.1 division septum [exists_during] mitotic cytokinesis [null] SPAC1F3.02c.1 division septum [exists_during] mitotic cytokinesis [null] SPBC543.07.1 division septum [exists_during] mitotic cytokinesis 2ef712d4ff0feb1e SPBC32F12.04.1 equatorial microtubule organizing center [exists_during] mitotic telophase [exists_during] mitotic cytokinesis 1203df6a6f3957f8 SPBC20F10.06.1 kinetochore [exists_during] mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint signaling 10e451ad98a96256 SPBC106.01.1 kinetochore [exists_during] positive regulation of mitotic DNA damage checkpoint 089bad866432ef28 SPAC17H9.09c.1 mating projection actin fusion focus [exists_during] conjugation with cellular fusion 5724d1814ea9f342 SPBP8B7.02.1 mating projection actin fusion focus [exists_during] conjugation with cellular fusion 5724d1814ea9f342 SPAC637.13c.1 mating projection membrane [exists_during] conjugation with cellular fusion 5accdfac6f642a2c SPBC32F12.04.1 mating projection tip [exists_during] agglutination involved in conjugation with cellular fusion 71e50efc69bcd7d5 SPAC110.03.1 mating projection tip [exists_during] cell morphogenesis involved in conjugation with cellular fusion 71e50efc69bcd7d5 SPAC16E8.09.1 mating projection tip [exists_during] cell morphogenesis involved in conjugation with cellular fusion 71e50efc69bcd7d5 SPAC22H10.07.1 mating projection tip [exists_during] cell morphogenesis involved in conjugation with cellular fusion 71e50efc69bcd7d5 SPBC19G7.05c.1 mating projection tip [exists_during] cell morphogenesis involved in conjugation with cellular fusion 5724d1814ea9f342 SPCC126.06.1 mating projection tip [exists_during] conjugation with cellular fusion [null] SPAC29A4.05.1 mating projection tip [exists_during] conjugation with cellular fusion 170b4d4db77791d1 SPAC3A12.14.1 mating projection tip [exists_during] karyogamy involved in conjugation with cellular fusion [null] SPCP1E11.04c.1 medial cortex [exists_during] cytokinesis a3ae4b87ad040aa7 SPAC4F10.11.1 medial cortex [exists_during] mitotic cytokinesis a3ae4b87ad040aa7 SPAC631.01c.1 medial cortex [exists_during] mitotic cytokinesis dd81766bd2cc050a SPBC1778.06c.1 medial cortex [exists_during] mitotic cytokinesis [null] SPBC1289.04c.1 medial cortex [exists_during] mitotic cytokinesis c22f209fe76ffcd8 SPBP19A11.04c.1 medial cortex [exists_during] septum digestion after cytokinesis 9b3c0d00dc3aedb7 SPAC1093.06c.1 meiotic spindle astral microtubule [exists_during] karyogamy f96ee693f519ef9d SPBC11B10.09.1 meiotic spindle pole body [exists_during] karyogamy involved in conjugation with cellular fusion 682763c91da26aea SPAC664.10.1 microtubule plus-end [exists_during] karyogamy involved in conjugation with cellular fusion f122857006f86cc9 SPAC16C9.07.1 mitochondrion [exists_during] conjugation with cellular fusion b42a7324f08b6a24 SPAC1F5.04c.1 mitotic actomyosin contractile ring [exists_during] mitotic cytokinesis c2aaa605ef48b5f8 SPAC17G8.10c.1 mitotic spindle pole body [exists_during] mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint signaling a882e140c77212d8 SPAC27D7.03c.1 nuclear chromosome [exists_during] meiosis I 9f8b7fbbd3337ea2 SPAC140.02.1 nucleolus [exists_during] mitotic cell cycle 9f8b7fbbd3337ea2 SPBC36B7.08c.1 nucleoplasm [exists_during] mitotic cell cycle 1719104d313ca4be SPBC3B8.10c.1 nucleus [exists_during] cell quiescence following G1 arrest due to nitrogen limitation 48abddffaf7fd1e5 SPAC3H8.10.1 nucleus [exists_during] conjugation with cellular fusion 738fa42d26db17a4 SPAC27D7.03c.1 nucleus [exists_during] conjugation with cellular fusion f96ee693f519ef9d SPBC11B10.09.1 nucleus [exists_during] karyogamy involved in conjugation with cellular fusion c0b99491ed09bf31 SPBP8B7.30c.1 nucleus [exists_during] meiotic cell cycle 0ff28f78db735798 SPAC24B11.06c.1 nucleus [exists_during] mitotic G2 cell cycle arrest in response to glucose starvation 36867162cb7ee60c SPAC24B11.06c.1 nucleus [exists_during] mitotic G2 cell cycle arrest in response to glucose starvation c0b99491ed09bf31 SPBP8B7.30c.1 nucleus [exists_during] mitotic G2 cell cycle arrest in response to glucose starvation b4e1296fce6fa566 SPCC16A11.17.1 rDNA protrusion [exists_during] exit from mitosis 682763c91da26aea SPAC1093.06c.1 spindle pole body [exists_during] karyogamy involved in conjugation with cellular fusion