gene SPAC22E12.07: ID in EMBL file (GO:0031291) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0032316) for EMBL term name regulation of Ran GTPase activity (Chado term name: Ran protein signal transduction) name, but redundant gene SPAC23C11.17: ID in EMBL file (GO:0030007) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0055075) for EMBL term name potassium ion homeostasis (Chado term name: cellular potassium ion homeostasis) ID gene SPAC23H4.01c: ID in EMBL file (GO:0005545) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0035091) for EMBL term name phosphatidylinositol binding (Chado term name: 1-phosphatidylinositol binding) ID looks right, but worry that this is ISS from ISS gene SPAC30C2.06c: ID in EMBL file (GO:0005198) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0003924) for EMBL term name GTPase activity (Chado term name: structural molecule activity) name, but evidence is weak gene SPAC630.03: ID in EMBL file (GO:0000147) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0030041) for EMBL term name actin polymerization (Chado term name: actin cortical patch assembly) both; name probably intended gene SPAC821.12: ID in EMBL file (GO:0007163) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0032878) for EMBL term name regulation of establishment or maintenance of cell polarity (Chado term name: establishment or maintenance of cell polarity) both wrong? web page shows GO:2000100 gene SPAPJ691.03: ID in EMBL file (GO:0005759) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0005739) for EMBL term name mitochondrion (Chado term name: mitochondrial matrix) name; also, wrong SGDID in 'with' - should be S000007547 gene SPBC12C2.02c: ID in EMBL file (GO:0031137) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0031139) for EMBL term name positive regulation of conjugation with cellular fusion (Chado term name: regulation of conjugation with cellular fusion) ID seems safer gene SPBC1685.13: ID in EMBL file (GO:0009306) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0006886) for EMBL term name intracellular protein transport (Chado term name: protein secretion) ID; could point ISS directly to SGD S000006353, because that's where uniprot Q12207 gets it anyway gene SPBC27B12.03c: ID in EMBL file (GO:0005789) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0030176) for EMBL term name integral to endoplasmic reticulum membrane (Chado term name: endoplasmic reticulum membrane) name, but evidence is weak gene SPBC29B5.01: ID in EMBL file (GO:0046685) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0071243) for EMBL term name cellular response to arsenic (Chado term name: response to arsenic-containing substance) use GO:0071243 'cellular response to arsenic-containing substance' gene SPBC2D10.05: ID in EMBL file (GO:0005829) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0005737) for EMBL term name cytoplasm (Chado term name: cytosol) IDA from PMID:20852022 should be GO:0005829; IDA from PMID:16823372 should be GO:0005737 gene SPBC2F12.13: ID in EMBL file (GO:0031114) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0031113) for EMBL term name regulation of microtubule polymerization (Chado term name: regulation of microtubule depolymerization) ID (note: annotation duplicated on genedb page) gene SPBC359.03c: ID in EMBL file (GO:0005739) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0005794) for EMBL term name Golgi apparatus (Chado term name: mitochondrion) name; also note IDA from PMID:20388730 should be Golgi, not mitochondrion gene SPBC3E7.10: ID in EMBL file (GO:0035551) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0006508) for EMBL term name proteolysis (Chado term name: protein initiator methionine removal involved in protein maturation) ID, but annotation essentially duplicated gene SPBC409.07c: ID in EMBL file (GO:0046685) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0071243) for EMBL term name cellular response to arsenic (Chado term name: response to arsenic-containing substance) use GO:0071243 'cellular response to arsenic-containing substance' gene SPBC4C3.06: ID in EMBL file (GO:0030036) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0007010) for EMBL term name cytoskeleton organization (Chado term name: actin cytoskeleton organization) ID, but note SGD:S000000626 has septin cytoskeleton organization gene SPBC887.10: ID in EMBL file (GO:0046685) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0071243) for EMBL term name cellular response to arsenic (Chado term name: response to arsenic-containing substance) use GO:0071243 'cellular response to arsenic-containing substance' gene SPBPB10D8.05c: ID in EMBL file (GO:0005886) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0005887) for EMBL term name integral to plasma membrane (Chado term name: plasma membrane) ISS annotation should use ID; IC annotation should use name gene SPBPB10D8.06c: ID in EMBL file (GO:0005886) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0005887) for EMBL term name integral to plasma membrane (Chado term name: plasma membrane) ISS annotation should use ID; IC annotation should use name gene SPBPB10D8.07c: ID in EMBL file (GO:0005886) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0005887) for EMBL term name integral to plasma membrane (Chado term name: plasma membrane) ISS annotation should use ID; IC annotation should use name gene SPBTRNAGLY.04: ID in EMBL file (GO:0033405) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0033406) for EMBL term name TCC codon-amino acid adaptor activity (Chado term name: UCU codon-amino acid adaptor activity) both wrong, if this is really a tRNA-Gly: glycine is GGx gene SPBTRNAGLY.05: ID in EMBL file (GO:0033405) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0033406) for EMBL term name TCC codon-amino acid adaptor activity (Chado term name: UCU codon-amino acid adaptor activity) both wrong, if this is really a tRNA-Gly: glycine is GGx mRNA SPBC1289.10c.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0006357) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0006366) for EMBL term name specific transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter (Chado term name: regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter) remove annotation? after txn overhaul, it's redundant with and less specific than the ISS to GO:0045944; also check MF annotations mRNA SPBC16A3.02c.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0006627) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0034982) for EMBL term name mitochondrial protein processing (Chado term name: protein processing involved in protein targeting to mitochondrion) both suspect - ISS with UniProt entry that doesn't have anything like either term mRNA SPCC1672.06c.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0000828) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0000829) for EMBL term name inositol heptakisphosphate kinase activity (Chado term name: inositol hexakisphosphate kinase activity) ISS with SGD:S000004402, which suggests that (a) could use both GO:0000828 and GO:0000829 and (b) GO:0033187 should have NOT or be removed mRNA SPCC1682.02c.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0031390) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0043596) for EMBL term name nuclear replication fork (Chado term name: Ctf18 RFC-like complex) name; annotation also exists with correct ID, so just remove GO:0031390 mRNA SPCC18B5.03.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0031660) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0031661) for EMBL term name negative regulation of cyclin-dependent protein kinase activity during G2/M (Chado term name: regulation of cyclin-dependent protein kinase activity involved in G2/M) use GO:0031661, tho EMBL name is out of date tRNA SPMITTRNAPRO.01.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0033442) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0033438) for EMBL term name ACC codon-amino acid adaptor activity (Chado term name: AAC codon-amino acid adaptor activity) both wrong; proline is CCx