more the one relation cvterm returned for part_of: terms: _global:part_of and _global:part_of genotype DUMMY has no alleles warning in 0572af570458b258: description for new allele "pmr1-R155->stop(R155->stop)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "pmr1-R155->stop(pmr1-R155->stop)" (from session 0572af570458b258) warning in f07cd572b2d0adcf: storing feature_cvterm from 61076bdb7aff52c4-genotype-1 to decreased protein phosphorylation during vegetative growth [assayed_using] PomBase:SPCC4G3.08 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: condition: "FYECO:0000208", evidence: "Western blot assay" from session: f07cd572b2d0adcf