mRNA SPAC1002.05c.1: unknown term name "histone demethylase activity (H3-dimethyl-K4 specific)" and unknown GO ID "GO:0034648": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=F; term=histone demethylase activity (H3-dimethyl-K4 specific); GOid=GO:0034648; evidence=IDA; db_xref=PMID:17550896; date=20080721' from SPAC1002.05c.1: mRNA SPAC3H5.09c.1: qualifier value ('db_xref=PMID:34415038') contains an equals '=' mRNA SPAC3H5.09c.1: qualifier (phosphatidylinositol binding) has unknown format db_xref (db_xref=PMID:34415038) - using null publication ncRNA SPNCRNA.108.1: ignoring /systematic_id=SPBC19C2.05 on misc_feature CDS SPBC19C2.05.1: ignoring /systematic_id=SPBC19C2.05 on misc_feature mRNA SPCC1393.02c.1: with value "UniProtKB:" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=P; term=transcription elongation from RNA polymerase II promoter; GOid=GO:0006368; evidence=ISS; db_xref=GO_REF:0000001; with=UniProtKB:; date=20210825' from SPCC1393.02c.1: mRNA SPCC1259.07.1: unknown term name "chromatin organization involved in regulation of transcription" and unknown GO ID "GO:0034401": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=P; term=chromatin organization involved in regulation of transcription; GOid=GO:0034401; evidence=IC; db_xref=PMID:19040720; from=GO:0032221; date=20090301' from SPCC1259.07.1: mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPBC17A3.07 <-> RNA level increased: storing feature_cvterm from SPBC17A3.07 to RNA level increased [during] cellular response to heat - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPAC1F7.05 <-> protein level increased: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC1F7.05 to protein level increased [during] mitotic S phase - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "western blot evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPBC776.02c <-> protein level decreased: storing feature_cvterm from SPBC776.02c to protein level decreased [during] mitotic telophase - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "western blot evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPBC119.04 <-> RNA absent: storing feature_cvterm from SPBC119.04 to RNA absent [during] single-celled organism vegetative growth phase - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPAC1F7.05 <-> RNA absent: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC1F7.05 to RNA absent [during] G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPAC1F7.05 <-> RNA absent: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC1F7.05 to RNA absent [during] mitotic S phase - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPAC1F7.05 <-> RNA absent: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC1F7.05 to RNA absent [during] mitotic M phase - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPBC17A3.07 <-> RNA level increased: storing feature_cvterm from SPBC17A3.07 to RNA level increased [in_presence_of] 1,1'-azobis(N,N-dimethylformamide) - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPAC1F7.05 <-> RNA present: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC1F7.05 to RNA present [during] single-celled organism vegetative growth phase - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPAC1F7.05 <-> RNA level increased: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC1F7.05 to RNA level increased [in_presence_of] hydroxyurea - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPBC119.04 <-> RNA absent: storing feature_cvterm from SPBC119.04 to RNA absent [during] single-celled organism vegetative growth phase - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPBC17A3.07 <-> RNA level increased: storing feature_cvterm from SPBC17A3.07 to RNA level increased [in_presence_of] cellular response to menadione - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPBC119.04 <-> RNA absent: storing feature_cvterm from SPBC119.04 to RNA absent [during] maintenance of stationary phase - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPAC1F7.05 <-> RNA level unchanged: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC1F7.05 to RNA level unchanged [during] mitotic G2 phase [during] cellular response to ionizing radiation - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPBC776.02c <-> protein level constant: storing feature_cvterm from SPBC776.02c to protein level constant [during] mitotic cell cycle - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "western blot evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPBC119.04 <-> RNA level increased: storing feature_cvterm from SPBC119.04 to RNA level increased [during] cellular response to nitrogen starvation - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPAC1F7.05 <-> RNA absent: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC1F7.05 to RNA absent [during] G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPAC1F7.05 <-> RNA absent: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC1F7.05 to RNA absent [during] mitotic G2 phase - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPBC17A3.07 <-> RNA present: storing feature_cvterm from SPBC17A3.07 to RNA present [during] single-celled organism vegetative growth phase - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPNCRNA.103 <-> RNA level increased: storing feature_cvterm from SPNCRNA.103 to RNA level increased [during] cellular response to nitrogen starvation - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPBC2D10.10c <-> RNA level increased: storing feature_cvterm from SPBC2D10.10c to RNA level increased [during] cellular response to cold - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPAC1F7.05 <-> RNA level increased: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC1F7.05 to RNA level increased [during] cellular response to hydroxyurea - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPAC1F7.05 <-> RNA level increased: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC1F7.05 to RNA level increased [in_presence_of] hydroxyurea - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPAC1F7.05 <-> RNA level increased: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC1F7.05 to RNA level increased [during] cellular response to hydroxyurea - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "quantitative PCR" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPBC776.02c <-> protein level increased: storing feature_cvterm from SPBC776.02c to protein level increased [during] mitotic metaphase - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "western blot evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPAC1F7.05 <-> RNA level increased: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC1F7.05 to RNA level increased [during] premeiotic DNA replication - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPBC17A3.07 <-> RNA level unchanged: storing feature_cvterm from SPBC17A3.07 to RNA level unchanged [during] cellular response to hydrogen peroxide - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPAC1F7.05 <-> RNA absent: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC1F7.05 to RNA absent [during] mitotic S phase - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPAC1F7.05 <-> RNA present: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC1F7.05 to RNA present [during] mitotic metaphase - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPBC119.04 <-> RNA present: storing feature_cvterm from SPBC119.04 to RNA present [during] meiotic cell cycle - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPAC1F7.05 <-> RNA level increased: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC1F7.05 to RNA level increased [in_presence_of] 4-nitroquinoline N-oxide - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPBC17A3.07 <-> RNA level increased: storing feature_cvterm from SPBC17A3.07 to RNA level increased [during] cellular response to salt stress - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPBC17A3.07 <-> RNA level increased: storing feature_cvterm from SPBC17A3.07 to RNA level increased [in_presence_of] cumene - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPAC1F7.05 <-> RNA absent: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC1F7.05 to RNA absent [during] mitotic M phase - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPBC119.04 <-> protein present: storing feature_cvterm from SPBC119.04 to protein present [during] meiotic cell cycle - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPAC1F7.05 <-> RNA present: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC1F7.05 to RNA present [during] mitotic G1 phase - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPAC1F7.05 <-> RNA level fluctuates: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC1F7.05 to RNA level fluctuates [during] mitotic cell cycle - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Northern assay evidence" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPAC1F7.05 <-> RNA level increased: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC1F7.05 to RNA level increased [in_presence_of] methyl methanesulfonate - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPBC776.02c <-> protein level increased: storing feature_cvterm from SPBC776.02c to protein level increased [during] mitotic anaphase - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "western blot evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPAC1F7.05 <-> RNA absent: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC1F7.05 to RNA absent [during] mitotic G2 phase - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPBC119.04 <-> RNA level increased: storing feature_cvterm from SPBC119.04 to RNA level increased [during] cellular response to nitrogen starvation - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN mRNA SPBC460.05.1: failed to add annotation extension to SPAC1F7.05 <-> RNA present: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC1F7.05 to RNA present [during] G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "northern assay evidence used in manual assertion" from session: UNKNOWN