format-version: 1.2 date: 13:07:2012 17:15 saved-by: midori default-namespace: PSI-MOD_extension_relations ontology: PSI-MOD_extension_relations [Typedef] id: required_for name: required_for def: "Indicates that a modification is required for a GO function or process." [PomBase:mah] property_value: local_domain MOD:00000 ! protein modification [Typedef] id: added_by name: added_by def: "Identifies a gene product that adds the modification." [PomBase:mah] property_value: local_domain MOD:00000 ! protein modification [Typedef] id: removed_by name: removed_by def: "Identifies a gene product that removes the modification." [PomBase:mah] property_value: local_domain MOD:00000 ! protein modification [Typedef] id: removed_during name: removed_during def: "Identifies a biological phase or process during which the modification is removed." [PomBase:al] property_value: local_domain MOD:00000 ! protein modification [Typedef] id: added_during name: added_during def: "Identifies a biological phase or process during which the modification is actively added." [PomBase:al] property_value: local_domain MOD:00000 ! protein modification [Typedef] id: present_during name: present_during def: "Identifies a biological phase or process during which the modification is observed, where it is not known whether the modification was added during the indicated phase or process (if this is known use the added_during relation) or during a preceding phase or process." [PomBase:al] property_value: local_domain MOD:00000 ! protein modification [Typedef] id: absent_during name: absent_during def: "Identifies a biological phase or process during which the modification is not observed, where it is not known whether the modification was removed during the indicated phase or process (if this is known use the removed_during relation), or during a preceding phase or process." [PomBase:al] property_value: local_domain MOD:00000 ! protein modification [Typedef] id: occupancy name: occupancy def: "A number representing what proportion of copies of the protein have the modification." [PomBase:mah] comment: Use a decimal value, rounded to something sensible like 2 or 3 digits. property_value: local_domain MOD:00000 ! protein modification [Typedef] id: level_fluctuates_during name: level_fluctuates_during def: "Identifies a biological phase or process during which the modification site occupancy is observed to vary." [PomBase:mah] synonym: "occupancy_fluctuates_during" EXACT [PomBase:mah] comment: This qualifier would most commonly be used with a GO term for the cell cycle or one of its phases. property_value: local_domain MOD:00000 ! protein modification [Typedef] id: affected_by name: affected_by def: "Identifies a gene product that influences the modification, where the experiment does not distinguish between direct action (e.g. adds or removes a modification) and indirect effects." [PomBase:mah] property_value: local_domain MOD:00000 ! protein modification [Typedef] id: increased_during name: increased_during def: "Identifies a biological phase or process during which the modification present to a greater extent than in a preceding phase or process, where the experiment does not distinguish between increased addition and decreased removal of the modification (if this is known use the added_during or removed_during relation)." [PomBase:mah] property_value: local_domain MOD:00000 ! protein modification [Typedef] id: decreased_during name: decreased_during def: "Identifies a biological phase or process during which the modification present to a lower extent than in a preceding phase or process, where the experiment does not distinguish between decreased addition and increased removal of the modification (if this is known use the added_during or removed_during relation)." [PomBase:mah] property_value: local_domain MOD:00000 ! protein modification