more the one relation cvterm returned for part_of: terms: BFO:0000050 and BFO:0000050 warning in 934af5b83ca408f9: storing feature_cvterm from 934af5b83ca408f9-genotype-2 to decreased level of generation of precursor metabolites and energy gene mRNA during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPCC338.10c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "quantitative PCR" from session: 934af5b83ca408f9 warning in e92c2476d90dea83: storing feature_cvterm from e92c2476d90dea83-genotype-11 to loss of viability at high temperature [has_severity] medium - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "cell growth assay evidence" from session: e92c2476d90dea83 warning in 47e7d9844090c3e4: can't find term with ID: GO:1903693 warning in 47e7d9844090c3e4: can't find term with ID: GO:1903694 warning in a983b01258f7c025: storing feature_cvterm from a983b01258f7c025-genotype-3 to ectopic actin fusion focus assembly [has_severity] low - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: a983b01258f7c025 warning in 99f58cdf989ca814: storing feature_cvterm from 99f58cdf989ca814-genotype-2 to abolished protein localization to meiotic spindle during meiosis I [assayed_using] SPCC188.02 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 99f58cdf989ca814 warning in 58d8ad0dec113279: storing feature_cvterm from 58d8ad0dec113279-genotype-12 to normal protein level during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC336.12c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: condition: "PECO:0000004", evidence: "Western blot assay" from session: 58d8ad0dec113279 warning in b6f52423002339f8: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-1367 to normal protein localization to vacuolar membrane [has_penetrance] high [assayed_using] SPAC16E8.07c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy", condition: "PECO:0000216" from session: b6f52423002339f8 warning in 33497d588756c658: storing feature_cvterm from 33497d588756c658-genotype-5 to decreased RNA level during nitrogen starvation [assayed_using] SPBC32C12.02 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: 33497d588756c658 warning in 33497d588756c658: storing feature_cvterm from 33497d588756c658-genotype-5 to decreased RNA level during nitrogen starvation [assayed_using] SPAC27D7.03c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: 33497d588756c658 warning in 1a9429aa838169ed: storing feature_cvterm from b22f1157ab22d428-genotype-5 to abolished protein localization to medial cortex during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAC24B11.11c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy", condition: "PECO:0000004,PECO:0000229" from session: 1a9429aa838169ed can't handle data of type PomGeneExProt warning in c75277b83a634a8d: storing feature_cvterm from b732a3ac22de7b6e-genotype-9 to decreased histone H3-K9 methylation at heterochromatin island during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC32H8.11 [has_severity] high - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment" from session: c75277b83a634a8d warning in c75277b83a634a8d: storing feature_cvterm from b732a3ac22de7b6e-genotype-9 to decreased histone H3-K9 methylation at heterochromatin island during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAC27D7.13c [has_severity] high - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment" from session: c75277b83a634a8d warning in c75277b83a634a8d: storing feature_cvterm from c75277b83a634a8d-genotype-15 to normal protein level during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAC7D4.14c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Western blot assay" from session: c75277b83a634a8d warning in 7dcc48c984dda0bd: storing feature_cvterm from 44703db6ac552c71-genotype-3 to increased level of iron assimilation gene mRNA during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC947.05c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 7dcc48c984dda0bd warning in bbcfc3c19fa85d53: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-4674 to normal protein localization during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAC6G10.02c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: bbcfc3c19fa85d53 warning in aabe6ef236eda9f5: can't load annotation, GO:0071733 is an obsolete term can't handle data of type PomGeneExProt can't handle data of type PomGeneExProt can't handle data of type PomGeneExProt warning in 615730f8699178ab: storing feature_cvterm from 615730f8699178ab-genotype-5 to normal protein-protein interaction [assayed_using] SPAC7D4.04 [assayed_using] SPCC63.08c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Other" from session: 615730f8699178ab warning in 873988311eb85ee1: can't load annotation, FYPO:0001047 is an obsolete term warning in bfc8cbcebd1237c6: storing feature_cvterm from bfc8cbcebd1237c6-genotype-6 to normal DNA binding [assayed_using] SPAC144.09c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Enzyme assay data" from session: bfc8cbcebd1237c6 warning in 7bd5662a92fe98d7: storing feature_cvterm from 7bd5662a92fe98d7-genotype-21 to decreased protein degradation during cellular response to UV [assayed_using] SPBC428.18 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: condition: "PECO:0000005", evidence: "Western blot assay" from session: 7bd5662a92fe98d7 warning in a60531b182edb2d1: storing feature_cvterm from a60531b182edb2d1-genotype-1 to loss of viability in stationary phase upon glucose starvation [has_severity] high - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "cell growth assay evidence", condition: "PECO:0000137" from session: a60531b182edb2d1 warning in 93e1b181a0463890: allele_type for new allele "hht2-K9R(amino_acid_mutation)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "hht2-K9R(amino_acid_insertion_and_mutation)" (from session 7927a4b16214fe51) warning in db8f8f5d2b131ec2: storing feature_cvterm from db8f8f5d2b131ec2-genotype-12 to abolished protein localization via NVT pathway [assayed_using] SPCC1322.05c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: db8f8f5d2b131ec2 warning in db8f8f5d2b131ec2: storing feature_cvterm from db8f8f5d2b131ec2-genotype-11 to abolished protein localization via NVT pathway [assayed_using] SPCC1322.05c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: db8f8f5d2b131ec2 warning in e64102699ced97dc: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-298 to normal protein localization to chromatin at tRNA gene [assayed_using] SPCC188.13c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment" from session: e64102699ced97dc warning in f1732559a5f79ef5: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-298 to abolished protein localization to pericentric heterochromatin during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC582.04c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment" from session: f1732559a5f79ef5 warning in 3bc471528952a5da: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-224 to decreased histone H3-K9 acetylation at protein coding gene during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC14C8.07c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment" from session: 3bc471528952a5da can't handle data of type PomGeneExRNA can't handle data of type PomGeneExRNA can't handle data of type PomGeneExRNA can't handle data of type PomGeneExRNA can't handle data of type PomGeneExRNA can't handle data of type PomGeneExProt warning in c599c5b1b32b1bc9: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-3350 to normal protein localization to medial cortical node [assayed_using] SPAC57A10.02 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: c599c5b1b32b1bc9 warning in 4dd289ca048623e6: storing feature_cvterm from 4dd289ca048623e6-genotype-13 to decreased vegetative cell population growth [has_severity] medium - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "cell growth assay evidence", condition: "PECO:0000005,PECO:0000137" from session: 4dd289ca048623e6 warning in 69269d206e6ff52a: description for new allele "rum1-OP(pREP3X-rum1+ integrant)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "rum1-OP(pREP3X inducible overexpression)" (from session 904ada6c1059d0f1) warning in 57d00be9a0ffdd97: storing feature_cvterm from 57d00be9a0ffdd97-genotype-7 to abolished protein localization to nuclear exosome focus [assayed_using] SPAC1F3.01 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 57d00be9a0ffdd97 warning in d8f2845f7d04fc0b: storing feature_cvterm from d8f2845f7d04fc0b-genotype-1 to normal RNA level during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAC140.01 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: d8f2845f7d04fc0b warning in d8f2845f7d04fc0b: storing feature_cvterm from d8f2845f7d04fc0b-genotype-1 to normal RNA level during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAC24C9.06c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: d8f2845f7d04fc0b warning in aba22b8a34948b96: storing feature_cvterm from 3d3eef26565fa966-genotype-7 to increased protein kinase activity [assayed_enzyme] SPBC11B10.09 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Co-immunoprecipitation experiment", condition: "PECO:0000229" from session: aba22b8a34948b96 warning in 477003fc9090fdf9: storing feature_cvterm from 477003fc9090fdf9-genotype-2 to abolished protein localization to mitotic spindle pole body during mitosis [assayed_using] SPAC19E9.02 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 477003fc9090fdf9 warning in 7fae84167ce708af: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-3710 to increased protein localization to plasma membrane during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAC869.11 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 7fae84167ce708af warning in f5f173fa6df509a1: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-1627 to decreased chromatin silencing at centromere outer repeat [has_severity] high - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: condition: "PECO:0000005", evidence: "reporter gene assay evidence" from session: f5f173fa6df509a1 warning in f831b1df28d18c1a: storing feature_cvterm from f831b1df28d18c1a-genotype-2 to abolished protein localization to prospore septin ring [assayed_using] SPAC24C9.15c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy", condition: "PECO:0000005,PECO:0000015" from session: f831b1df28d18c1a warning in f17c3d43d258f9f6: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-2996 to increased level of DSR-containing meiotic gene mRNA during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAC27D7.13c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: f17c3d43d258f9f6 warning in f17c3d43d258f9f6: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-2996 to increased level of DSR-containing meiotic gene mRNA during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC216.02 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: f17c3d43d258f9f6 warning in 462b1f18876a3bee: storing feature_cvterm from 462b1f18876a3bee-genotype-1 to abolished protein-protein interaction [assayed_using] SPAC24H6.06 [assayed_using] SPAC23C4.18c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "reporter gene assay evidence" from session: 462b1f18876a3bee warning in e3188b7c6757274d: storing feature_cvterm from e3188b7c6757274d-genotype-1 to increased negative regulation of transcription by zinc [assayed_using] SPBC16D10.06 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "reporter gene assay evidence", condition: "PECO:0000172" from session: e3188b7c6757274d warning in 09b5fcafa2826d4a: storing feature_cvterm from 09b5fcafa2826d4a-genotype-6 to vegetative cell lysis [has_penetrance] low - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "cell growth assay evidence", condition: "PECO:0000004,PECO:0000137" from session: 09b5fcafa2826d4a can't handle data of type PomGeneExProt warning in 4770a22740e77442: storing feature_cvterm from 4770a22740e77442-genotype-8 to sensitive to methyl methanesulfonate [has_severity] low - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "cell growth assay evidence" from session: 4770a22740e77442 warning in e70a1374f7a8719d: storing feature_cvterm from e70a1374f7a8719d-genotype-5 to delayed negative regulation of protein kinase activity during mitosis [assayed_enzyme] SPBC11B10.09 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Western blot assay" from session: e70a1374f7a8719d warning in e62b222855e26bac: storing feature_cvterm from e62b222855e26bac-genotype-1 to normal protein localization to telomere during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAC26H5.06 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment" from session: e62b222855e26bac warning in 38c6b56f199ef8a0: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-14997 to mislocalized protein distributed in cell cortex during mitotic interphase [assayed_using] SPBC1A4.05 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: condition: "PECO:0000004", evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 38c6b56f199ef8a0 warning in b27ca821f4f21986: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-16 to decreased protein dephosphorylation during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAC24H6.05 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Other" from session: b27ca821f4f21986 warning in 770c340acda1b033: storing feature_cvterm from 277ac92c6cd07f54-genotype-4 to abolished RNA polymerase II proximal promoter sequence-specific DNA binding [assayed_using] MCB - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "gel electrophoresis evidence" from session: 770c340acda1b033 warning in c981881e2d6e2ab9: storing feature_cvterm from c981881e2d6e2ab9-genotype-14 to sensitive to camptothecin [has_severity] high - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "cell growth assay evidence", condition: "PECO:0000005,PECO:0000137" from session: c981881e2d6e2ab9 warning in 3e4ec1257970269c: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-609 to normal RNA level during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC1105.17 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: 3e4ec1257970269c warning in 8674f369a10290b1: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-298 to increased protein localization to nucleoplasm [assayed_using] SPAC664.01c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 8674f369a10290b1 warning in 8674f369a10290b1: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-298 to increased protein localization to nucleoplasm [assayed_using] SPAC664.01c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 8674f369a10290b1 warning in 8674f369a10290b1: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-298 to increased protein localization to nucleoplasm [assayed_using] SPAC664.01c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 8674f369a10290b1 warning in a48edd53bda96efe: storing feature_cvterm from a48edd53bda96efe-genotype-1 to increased protein level during mitotic G1 phase [assayed_using] SPBC582.03 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Western blot assay" from session: a48edd53bda96efe warning in fd7d19b1aed14f7c: in annotation extension for fd7d19b1aed14f7c-genotype-1, can't parse identifier: SPAC17G6.02c.2 warning in fd7d19b1aed14f7c: in annotation extension for PomBase-genotype-3666, can't parse identifier: SPAC17G6.02c.2 warning in fd7d19b1aed14f7c: in annotation extension for PomBase-genotype-3666, can't parse identifier: SPAC17G6.02c.1 warning in fd7d19b1aed14f7c: in annotation extension for fd7d19b1aed14f7c-genotype-3, can't parse identifier: SPAC17G6.02c.2 warning in fd7d19b1aed14f7c: in annotation extension for fd7d19b1aed14f7c-genotype-3, can't parse identifier: SPAC17G6.02c.1 warning in b843706c830e7b7d: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-2350 to increased transcriptional readthrough at RNA polymerase III-transcribed genes [assayed_using] SPCTRNATHR.10 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Other" from session: b843706c830e7b7d warning in b843706c830e7b7d: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-2350 to increased transcriptional readthrough at RNA polymerase III-transcribed genes [assayed_using] SPATRNAPRO.02 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Other" from session: b843706c830e7b7d warning in 31a2874ab03c580a: storing feature_cvterm from 31a2874ab03c580a-genotype-12 to abnormal protein localization to chromatin during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAC664.01c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "cell growth assay evidence" from session: 31a2874ab03c580a warning in ce1fc9c90e999884: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-89 to abolished protein localization to cell tip during mitotic interphase [assayed_using] SPBC1604.20c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: condition: "PECO:0000005,PECO:0000137", evidence: "Microscopy" from session: ce1fc9c90e999884 warning in bdc65ab8c484c62c: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-2996 to increased RNA level during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC29A10.02 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: bdc65ab8c484c62c warning in bdc65ab8c484c62c: storing feature_cvterm from 3aad414b8b97983b-genotype-1 to increased RNA level during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC29A10.02 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: bdc65ab8c484c62c warning in bdc65ab8c484c62c: storing feature_cvterm from 3aad414b8b97983b-genotype-1 to increased RNA level during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC29A10.02 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: bdc65ab8c484c62c warning in 7d2c05ef7277f909: storing feature_cvterm from 7d2c05ef7277f909-genotype-10 to decreased protein localization to chromatin during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPCC306.03c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment" from session: 7d2c05ef7277f909 warning in 558b22ef42aa6ec2: storing feature_cvterm from 558b22ef42aa6ec2-genotype-4 to normal protein localization to kinetochore during mitotic prometaphase [assayed_using] SPBC3D6.04c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 558b22ef42aa6ec2 warning in 558b22ef42aa6ec2: storing feature_cvterm from 558b22ef42aa6ec2-genotype-4 to sensitive to thiabendazole [has_severity] high - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "cell growth assay evidence" from session: 558b22ef42aa6ec2 warning in 14d6b12f621eebfe: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC27F1.02c.1 to negative regulation of microfilament motor activity [has_regulation_target] SPBC146.13c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Inferred from Direct Assay" from session: 14d6b12f621eebfe warning in 14d6b12f621eebfe: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC27F1.02c.1 to positive regulation of microfilament motor activity [has_regulation_target] SPBC2D10.14c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Inferred from Direct Assay" from session: 14d6b12f621eebfe warning in 14d6b12f621eebfe: storing feature_cvterm from SPAC27F1.02c.1 to positive regulation of microfilament motor activity [has_regulation_target] SPCC1919.10c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Inferred from Direct Assay" from session: 14d6b12f621eebfe warning in d31bdd99cf204c6f: storing feature_cvterm from d31bdd99cf204c6f-genotype-8 to abolished protein localization to nucleus during mitosis [assayed_using] SPBC2F12.13 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: d31bdd99cf204c6f warning in 27b51a588fa236c6: storing feature_cvterm from SPBP35G2.03c.1 to nucleus [exists_during] meiotic metaphase I - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Inferred from Direct Assay" from session: 27b51a588fa236c6 warning in 6115bf31740b991f: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-14019 to increased RNA level [assayed_using] SPAC212.11 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: 6115bf31740b991f warning in 38a5be55b66fa29b: storing feature_cvterm from 38a5be55b66fa29b-genotype-9 to mislocalized, misoriented septum [has_severity] low - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 38a5be55b66fa29b warning in 33c4c7d6daa555cf: storing feature_cvterm from 33c4c7d6daa555cf-genotype-18 to increased protein localization to center of cell division site [assayed_using] SPAC11E3.02c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 33c4c7d6daa555cf warning in 31f83944ec9ea1a7: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-3412 to decreased chromatin silencing at silent mating-type cassette [has_severity] low - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: 31f83944ec9ea1a7 warning in 65ee22c229c3e125: can't find term with ID: GO:1903694 warning in 65ee22c229c3e125: can't find term with ID: GO:1903694 warning in 7c2513328f82d364: storing feature_cvterm from 7c2513328f82d364-genotype-4 to normal protein localization to chromatin during cellular response to oxidative stress [assayed_using] SPAC24B11.06c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "cell growth assay evidence", condition: "PECO:0000078" from session: 7c2513328f82d364 warning in 7169c40527631f2c: storing feature_cvterm from e0b19b097d1d703d-genotype-8 to abolished protein localization to chromatin during meiosis I [assayed_using] SPAC17A5.18c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 7169c40527631f2c warning in c6ced0325cbf00af: storing feature_cvterm from c6ced0325cbf00af-genotype-4 to increased protein localization to subtelomeric heterochromatin during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC1105.17 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment" from session: c6ced0325cbf00af warning in 8c7b04a443ae9d43: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-4807 to increased centromeric outer repeat transcript level [assayed_using] SPNCRNA.232 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: 8c7b04a443ae9d43 warning in ba57135bde9e7e32: storing feature_cvterm from ba57135bde9e7e32-genotype-21 to decreased vegetative cell population growth [has_severity] medium - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "cell growth assay evidence", condition: "PECO:0000004" from session: ba57135bde9e7e32 warning in 84f0f5ee8d42bdac: duplicated extension: "[has_regulation_target] SPBC29A10.04" warning in a82c265e16b26ca6: storing feature_cvterm from a82c265e16b26ca6-genotype-1 to decreased chromatin silencing at subtelomere [has_severity] low - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "reporter gene assay evidence" from session: a82c265e16b26ca6 warning in de3fe5786898e2f8: storing feature_cvterm from de3fe5786898e2f8-genotype-1 to normal onset of protein localization to cell division site [assayed_using] SPAC1F5.04c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: de3fe5786898e2f8 warning in 8ac46a804d130afe: storing feature_cvterm from 8ac46a804d130afe-genotype-9 to abolished protein localization to centromere during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPCC338.17c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 8ac46a804d130afe warning in 8ac46a804d130afe: storing feature_cvterm from 8ac46a804d130afe-genotype-8 to increased gross chromosomal rearrangement [has_severity] medium - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Other" from session: 8ac46a804d130afe warning in 9b6d37d028f7da71: can't load annotation, GO:0071851 is an obsolete term warning in 9b6d37d028f7da71: can't find term with ID: GO:0071849