no SO type for mRNA - skipping CU329670_intron_4618988..4619032 has no uniquename - skipping CU329670_intron_4738675..4738716 has no uniquename - skipping CU329670_intron_4826298..4826342 has no uniquename - skipping internal error, failed to find cvterm for GO: (GO:0070733): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=F; term= protein adenylyltransferase activity; GOid=GO:; evidence=ISS; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=SGD:S000001153; date=20210326' from SPAC2G11.10c.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0000778) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0000776) for EMBL term name condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore (Chado term name: kinetochore): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore; annotation_extension=exists_during(GO:0000087); GOid=GO:0000778; evidence=IDA; db_xref=PMID:16079914; date=20050824' from SPAC1805.07c.1: with value "UniProtKB:P39986|UniProtKB:Q9HD20" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=F; term=transmembrane protein dislocase activity; GOid=GO:0140567; evidence=ISO; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=UniProtKB:P39986|UniProtKB:Q9HD20; date=20210305' from SPACUNK4.07c.1: with value "UniProtKB:P39986|UniProtKB:Q9HD20" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=P; term=extraction of mislocalized protein from ER membrane; GOid=GO:0140569; evidence=ISS; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=UniProtKB:P39986|UniProtKB:Q9HD20; date=20210305' from SPACUNK4.07c.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0000778) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0000776) for EMBL term name condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore (Chado term name: kinetochore): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore; annotation_extension=exists_during(GO:0000087); GOid=GO:0000778; evidence=IDA; db_xref=PMID:16079914; date=20050824' from SPAC589.08c.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0000778) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0000776) for EMBL term name condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore (Chado term name: kinetochore): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore; GOid=GO:0000778; evidence=IDA; db_xref=PMID:16855399; date=20100121' from SPAC3A11.14c.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0000778) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0000776) for EMBL term name condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore (Chado term name: kinetochore): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore; annotation_extension=exists_during(GO:0098763); GOid=GO:0000778; evidence=IDA; db_xref=PMID:16079914; date=20050824' from SPAC8C9.17c.1: A CDS/transcript was referenced but doesn't exist: SPAC1F7.05 ID in EMBL file (GO:0000778) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0000776) for EMBL term name condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore (Chado term name: kinetochore): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore; GOid=GO:0000778; evidence=IDA; db_xref=PMID:11266451; date=20050301' from SPAC27F1.04c.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0000778) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0000776) for EMBL term name condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore (Chado term name: kinetochore): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore; annotation_extension=exists_during(GO:0000088); GOid=GO:0000778; evidence=IDA; db_xref=PMID:17035632; date=20070529' from SPAC29E6.04.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0000778) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0000776) for EMBL term name condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore (Chado term name: kinetochore): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore; annotation_extension=exists_during(GO:0098763); GOid=GO:0000778; evidence=IDA; db_xref=PMID:19606211; date=20090817' from SPAC890.02c.1: duplicated sub-qualifier 'annotation_extension' can't find feature for: SGD:S000029663 ortholog (SGD:S000029663) not found can't find feature for: SGD:S000029664 ortholog (SGD:S000029664) not found can't find feature for: SGD:S000029665 ortholog (SGD:S000029665) not found can't find feature for: SGD:S000029662 ortholog (SGD:S000029662) not found no SO type for mRNA - skipping no SO type for mRNA - skipping ignoring /systematic_id=SPBC19C2.05 on misc_feature ignoring /systematic_id=SPBC19C2.05 on misc_feature CU329671_intron_1715443..1715483 has no uniquename - skipping CU329671_intron_3391070..3391177 has no uniquename - skipping A CDS/transcript was referenced but doesn't exist: SPBC119.04 ID in EMBL file (GO:0000778) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0000776) for EMBL term name condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore (Chado term name: kinetochore): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore; annotation_extension=exists_during(GO:0000089); GOid=GO:0000778; evidence=IDA; db_xref=PMID:19570910; date=20090707' from SPBC725.12.1: database name for new term (GGO) doesn't match existing name (GO) for term name: mitochondrial respiratory chain complex III assembly: failed to load qualifier 'aspect=P; term=mitochondrial respiratory chain complex III assembly; GOid=GGO:0034551; evidence=ISS; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=SGD:S000003406; date=20210325' from SPBC27B12.14.1: A CDS/transcript was referenced but doesn't exist: SPBC17A3.07 ID in EMBL file (GO:0000778) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0000776) for EMBL term name condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore (Chado term name: kinetochore): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore; annotation_extension=exists_during(GO:0000087); GOid=GO:0000778; evidence=IDA; db_xref=PMID:16079914; date=20050824' from SPBC27.02c.1: can't find feature for: CCDC130 ortholog (CCDC130) not found ID in EMBL file (GO:0000778) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0000776) for EMBL term name condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore (Chado term name: kinetochore): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore; GOid=GO:0000778; evidence=IDA; db_xref=PMID:15728720; date=20050301' from SPBC336.08.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0000778) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0000776) for EMBL term name condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore (Chado term name: kinetochore): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore; GOid=GO:0000778; evidence=IDA; db_xref=PMID:11266451; date=20050301' from SPBC336.08.1: A CDS/transcript was referenced but doesn't exist: SPBC776.02c ID in EMBL file (GO:0000778) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0000776) for EMBL term name condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore (Chado term name: kinetochore): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore; GOid=GO:0000778; evidence=TAS; db_xref=PMID:15525673; date=20050107' from SPBC20F10.06.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0000778) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0000776) for EMBL term name condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore (Chado term name: kinetochore): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore; GOid=GO:0000778; evidence=IDA; db_xref=PMID:11266451; date=20050301' from SPBC11C11.03.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0000778) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0000776) for EMBL term name condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore (Chado term name: kinetochore): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore; GOid=GO:0000778; evidence=IDA; db_xref=PMID:15728720; date=20050301' from SPBC11C11.03.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0000778) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0000776) for EMBL term name condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore (Chado term name: kinetochore): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore; GOid=GO:0000778; evidence=IDA; db_xref=PMID:16079914; date=20050906' from SPBP8B7.12c.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0000778) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0000776) for EMBL term name condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore (Chado term name: kinetochore): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore; GOid=GO:0000778; evidence=IDA; db_xref=PMID:15791413; date=20050329' from SPBC1861.01c.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0000778) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0000776) for EMBL term name condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore (Chado term name: kinetochore): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore; annotation_extension=exists_during(GO:0000089); GOid=GO:0000778; evidence=IDA; db_xref=PMID:19570910; date=20090707' from SPCC320.13c.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0000941) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0000939) for EMBL term name inner kinetochore of condensed nuclear chromosome (Chado term name: inner kinetochore): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=inner kinetochore of condensed nuclear chromosome; GOid=GO:0000941; evidence=IDA; db_xref=PMID:15502821; date=20040922' from SPCC1020.02.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0000778) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0000776) for EMBL term name condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore (Chado term name: kinetochore): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore; GOid=GO:0000778; evidence=IDA; db_xref=PMID:16079914; date=20050906' from SPCC1393.04.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0000778) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0000776) for EMBL term name condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore (Chado term name: kinetochore): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=condensed nuclear chromosome kinetochore; GOid=GO:0000778; evidence=IDA; db_xref=PMID:15728720; date=20050301' from SPCC188.04c.1: no SO type for gene - skipping no SO type for gene - skipping no SO type for source - skipping