more the one relation cvterm returned for part_of: terms: _global:part_of and _global:part_of warning in 934af5b83ca408f9: storing feature_cvterm from 934af5b83ca408f9-genotype-2 to decreased level of generation of precursor metabolites and energy gene mRNA during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPCC737.02c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "quantitative PCR" from session: 934af5b83ca408f9 warning in 934af5b83ca408f9: storing feature_cvterm from 934af5b83ca408f9-genotype-2 to decreased level of generation of precursor metabolites and energy gene mRNA during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC29A3.18 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "quantitative PCR" from session: 934af5b83ca408f9 warning in 934af5b83ca408f9: storing feature_cvterm from 934af5b83ca408f9-genotype-2 to decreased level of generation of precursor metabolites and energy gene mRNA during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAC1B2.04 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "quantitative PCR" from session: 934af5b83ca408f9 warning in 934af5b83ca408f9: storing feature_cvterm from 934af5b83ca408f9-genotype-2 to decreased level of generation of precursor metabolites and energy gene mRNA during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPCC338.10c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "quantitative PCR" from session: 934af5b83ca408f9 warning in 934af5b83ca408f9: storing feature_cvterm from 934af5b83ca408f9-genotype-2 to decreased level of generation of precursor metabolites and energy gene mRNA during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC16C6.08c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "quantitative PCR" from session: 934af5b83ca408f9 warning in 934af5b83ca408f9: storing feature_cvterm from 934af5b83ca408f9-genotype-2 to decreased level of generation of precursor metabolites and energy gene mRNA during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBP4H10.08 [assayed_using] SPCC338.10c [assayed_using] SPBC16H5.06 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "quantitative PCR" from session: 934af5b83ca408f9 warning in 38a5be55b66fa29b: storing feature_cvterm from 38a5be55b66fa29b-genotype-9 to mislocalized, misoriented septum [has_severity] low - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 38a5be55b66fa29b warning in d31bdd99cf204c6f: storing feature_cvterm from d31bdd99cf204c6f-genotype-8 to abolished protein localization to nucleus during mitosis [assayed_using] SPBC2F12.13 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: d31bdd99cf204c6f warning in 558b22ef42aa6ec2: storing feature_cvterm from 558b22ef42aa6ec2-genotype-14 to normal protein localization to kinetochore during mitotic prometaphase [assayed_using] SPBC3D6.04c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 558b22ef42aa6ec2 warning in 558b22ef42aa6ec2: storing feature_cvterm from 558b22ef42aa6ec2-genotype-14 to sensitive to thiabendazole [has_severity] high - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "cell growth assay evidence" from session: 558b22ef42aa6ec2 warning in f17c3d43d258f9f6: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-2997 to increased level of DSR-containing meiosis gene mRNA during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAC27D7.13c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: f17c3d43d258f9f6 warning in f17c3d43d258f9f6: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-2997 to increased level of DSR-containing meiosis gene mRNA during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC216.02 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: f17c3d43d258f9f6 warning in 27b51a588fa236c6: storing feature_cvterm from SPBP35G2.03c.1 to nucleus [exists_during] meiotic metaphase I - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Inferred from Direct Assay" from session: 27b51a588fa236c6 warning in 84f0f5ee8d42bdac: duplicated extension: "[has_regulation_target] SPBC29A10.04" warning in 885eefd237119afe: storing feature_cvterm from 885eefd237119afe-genotype-12 to normal protein localization to mitotic spindle pole body [assayed_using] SPAC23C4.12 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy", condition: "PECO:0000005,PECO:0000137" from session: 885eefd237119afe warning in 8c7b04a443ae9d43: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-4808 to increased centromeric outer repeat transcript level [assayed_using] SPNCRNA.232 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: 8c7b04a443ae9d43 warning in 99f58cdf989ca814: storing feature_cvterm from 4d4822dbe566aaac-genotype-7 to abolished protein localization to meiotic spindle during meiosis I [assayed_using] SPCC188.02 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 99f58cdf989ca814 warning in 33497d588756c658: storing feature_cvterm from 33497d588756c658-genotype-5 to decreased RNA level during nitrogen starvation [assayed_using] SPBC32C12.02 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: 33497d588756c658 warning in 33497d588756c658: storing feature_cvterm from 33497d588756c658-genotype-5 to decreased RNA level during nitrogen starvation [assayed_using] SPAC27D7.03c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: 33497d588756c658 warning in 8ac46a804d130afe: storing feature_cvterm from 8ac46a804d130afe-genotype-9 to abolished protein localization to centromere during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPCC338.17c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 8ac46a804d130afe warning in 8ac46a804d130afe: storing feature_cvterm from 8ac46a804d130afe-genotype-8 to increased gross chromosomal rearrangement [has_severity] medium - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Other" from session: 8ac46a804d130afe warning in 7fae84167ce708af: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-3711 to increased protein localization to plasma membrane during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAC869.11 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 7fae84167ce708af warning in 58d8ad0dec113279: storing feature_cvterm from 58d8ad0dec113279-genotype-12 to normal protein level during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC336.12c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: condition: "PECO:0000004", evidence: "Western blot assay" from session: 58d8ad0dec113279 warning in 4dfa9e1e417a7efe: storing feature_cvterm from 4dfa9e1e417a7efe-genotype-6 to sensitive to UV during vegetative growth [has_severity] medium - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "cell growth assay evidence", condition: "PECO:0000102,PECO:0000137" from session: 4dfa9e1e417a7efe warning in fe7a0f32d4e76d5d: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-2325 to increased protein level during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPCC576.12c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: fe7a0f32d4e76d5d warning in 2e22c541f5e9e87c: storing feature_cvterm from 2e22c541f5e9e87c-genotype-3 to increased protein level during meiosis [assayed_using] SPBC14C8.01c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Western blot assay" from session: 2e22c541f5e9e87c warning in 2e22c541f5e9e87c: storing feature_cvterm from 2e22c541f5e9e87c-genotype-3 to increased protein level during meiosis [assayed_using] SPBC582.03 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Western blot assay" from session: 2e22c541f5e9e87c warning in acd1a2d2ddcf29cc: storing feature_cvterm from 6356242fe0e335bd-genotype-1 to increased protein-protein interaction [assayed_using] SPBC776.02c [assayed_using] SPBC649.05 [has_severity] high - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: condition: "PECO:0000126", evidence: "Co-immunoprecipitation experiment" from session: acd1a2d2ddcf29cc warning in 4072a96378948dec: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-4907 to sensitive to cycloheximide [has_severity] low - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: condition: "PECO:0000005,PECO:0000137", evidence: "cell growth assay evidence" from session: 4072a96378948dec warning in 9ef4b740616f8870: can't load annotation, FYPO:0001047 is an obsolete term warning in 9ef4b740616f8870: can't load annotation, FYPO:0001047 is an obsolete term warning in 9ef4b740616f8870: can't load annotation, FYPO:0001047 is an obsolete term warning in 9ef4b740616f8870: can't load annotation, FYPO:0001047 is an obsolete term warning in 9ef4b740616f8870: can't load annotation, FYPO:0001047 is an obsolete term warning in 9b6d37d028f7da71: storing feature_cvterm from 9b6d37d028f7da71-genotype-8 to decreased protein degradation during nitrogen starvation [assayed_using] SPBC582.03 [has_severity] medium - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Western blot assay", condition: "PECO:0000127" from session: 9b6d37d028f7da71 warning in e62b222855e26bac: storing feature_cvterm from e62b222855e26bac-genotype-1 to normal protein localization to telomere during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAC26H5.06 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment" from session: e62b222855e26bac warning in fd7d19b1aed14f7c: in annotation extension for fd7d19b1aed14f7c-genotype-1, can't parse identifier: SPAC17G6.02c.2 warning in fd7d19b1aed14f7c: in annotation extension for PomBase-genotype-3667, can't parse identifier: SPAC17G6.02c.2 warning in fd7d19b1aed14f7c: in annotation extension for PomBase-genotype-3667, can't parse identifier: SPAC17G6.02c.1 warning in fd7d19b1aed14f7c: in annotation extension for fd7d19b1aed14f7c-genotype-3, can't parse identifier: SPAC17G6.02c.2 warning in fd7d19b1aed14f7c: in annotation extension for fd7d19b1aed14f7c-genotype-3, can't parse identifier: SPAC17G6.02c.1 warning in e7cc68a1da978b38: description for new allele "cdc2as(cdc2 1-NmPP1 sensitive)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc2as(cdc2 1-NmmP1 sensitive)" (from session e7cc68a1da978b38) warning in e64102699ced97dc: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-299 to normal protein localization to chromatin at tRNA gene [assayed_using] SPCC188.13c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment" from session: e64102699ced97dc warning in 7857fadc3a2fd43a: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-1109 to decreased transcription during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAPB24D3.10c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: condition: "PECO:0000236", evidence: "quantitative PCR" from session: 7857fadc3a2fd43a warning in 7857fadc3a2fd43a: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-1110 to decreased transcription during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAPB24D3.10c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "quantitative PCR", condition: "PECO:0000236" from session: 7857fadc3a2fd43a warning in 4770a22740e77442: storing feature_cvterm from 4770a22740e77442-genotype-8 to sensitive to methyl methanesulfonate [has_severity] low - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "cell growth assay evidence" from session: 4770a22740e77442 warning in de3fe5786898e2f8: storing feature_cvterm from de3fe5786898e2f8-genotype-1 to normal onset of protein localization to cell division site [assayed_using] SPAC1F5.04c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: de3fe5786898e2f8 warning in 6115bf31740b991f: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-14020 to increased RNA level [assayed_using] SPAC212.11 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: 6115bf31740b991f warning in bfc8cbcebd1237c6: storing feature_cvterm from bfc8cbcebd1237c6-genotype-6 to normal DNA binding [assayed_using] SPAC144.09c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Enzyme assay data" from session: bfc8cbcebd1237c6 warning in b27ca821f4f21986: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-16 to decreased protein dephosphorylation during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAC24H6.05 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Other" from session: b27ca821f4f21986 warning in f5f173fa6df509a1: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-1628 to decreased chromatin silencing at centromere outer repeat [has_severity] high - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "reporter gene assay evidence", condition: "PECO:0000005" from session: f5f173fa6df509a1 warning in f5f173fa6df509a1: storing feature_cvterm from f5f173fa6df509a1-genotype-26 to decreased chromatin silencing at centromere outer repeat [has_severity] high - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "reporter gene assay evidence", condition: "PECO:0000005" from session: f5f173fa6df509a1 warning in 873988311eb85ee1: can't load annotation, FYPO:0001047 is an obsolete term warning in 8674f369a10290b1: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-299 to increased protein localization to nucleoplasm [assayed_using] SPAC664.01c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 8674f369a10290b1 warning in 8674f369a10290b1: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-299 to increased protein localization to nucleoplasm [assayed_using] SPAC664.01c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 8674f369a10290b1 warning in 8674f369a10290b1: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-299 to increased protein localization to nucleoplasm [assayed_using] SPAC664.01c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 8674f369a10290b1 warning in bbcfc3c19fa85d53: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-4675 to normal protein localization during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAC6G10.02c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: bbcfc3c19fa85d53 warning in f94801dfb551d839: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-100 to decreased RNA level during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPCC18B5.01c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "quantitative PCR" from session: f94801dfb551d839 warning in c599c5b1b32b1bc9: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-3351 to normal protein localization to medial cortical node [assayed_using] SPAC57A10.02 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: c599c5b1b32b1bc9 warning in d8f2845f7d04fc0b: storing feature_cvterm from d8f2845f7d04fc0b-genotype-1 to normal RNA level during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAC140.01 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: d8f2845f7d04fc0b warning in d8f2845f7d04fc0b: storing feature_cvterm from d8f2845f7d04fc0b-genotype-1 to normal RNA level during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAC24C9.06c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: d8f2845f7d04fc0b warning in db8f8f5d2b131ec2: storing feature_cvterm from db8f8f5d2b131ec2-genotype-12 to abolished protein localization via NVT pathway [assayed_using] SPCC1322.05c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: db8f8f5d2b131ec2 warning in db8f8f5d2b131ec2: storing feature_cvterm from db8f8f5d2b131ec2-genotype-11 to abolished protein localization via NVT pathway [assayed_using] SPCC1322.05c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: db8f8f5d2b131ec2 warning in 0cad091b0886ebbf: storing feature_cvterm from f3b2e78baad1483c-genotype-1 to abolished protein phosphorylation during meiotic cell cycle [assayed_using] SPBC11B10.09 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: condition: "PECO:0000004", evidence: "Western blot assay" from session: 0cad091b0886ebbf warning in c6ced0325cbf00af: storing feature_cvterm from c6ced0325cbf00af-genotype-4 to increased protein localization to subtelomeric heterochromatin during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC1105.17 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment" from session: c6ced0325cbf00af warning in e92c2476d90dea83: storing feature_cvterm from e92c2476d90dea83-genotype-11 to loss of viability at high temperature [has_severity] medium - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "cell growth assay evidence" from session: e92c2476d90dea83 warning in 477003fc9090fdf9: storing feature_cvterm from 477003fc9090fdf9-genotype-2 to abolished protein localization to mitotic spindle pole body during mitosis [assayed_using] SPAC19E9.02 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 477003fc9090fdf9 warning in 3bc471528952a5da: storing feature_cvterm from 3bc471528952a5da-genotype-10 to normal transcription from MCB promoter [assayed_using] SPBC14C8.07c [assayed_using] SPAC1F7.05 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "quantitative PCR" from session: 3bc471528952a5da warning in 3bc471528952a5da: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-225 to decreased histone H3-K9 acetylation at protein coding gene during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC14C8.07c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment" from session: 3bc471528952a5da warning in 3e4ec1257970269c: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-610 to normal RNA level during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC1105.17 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: 3e4ec1257970269c warning in ce1fc9c90e999884: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-89 to abolished protein localization to cell tip during mitotic interphase [assayed_using] SPBC1604.20c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: condition: "PECO:0000005,PECO:0000137", evidence: "Microscopy" from session: ce1fc9c90e999884 warning in f176723226a4e520: storing feature_cvterm from SPBC776.12c.1 to protein serine/threonine kinase activity [has_substrate] SPBC4.04c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Inferred from Direct Assay" from session: UNKNOWN warning in bdc65ab8c484c62c: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-2997 to increased RNA level during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC29A10.02 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: bdc65ab8c484c62c warning in bdc65ab8c484c62c: storing feature_cvterm from a2af386d7f306918-genotype-5 to increased RNA level during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC29A10.02 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: bdc65ab8c484c62c warning in bdc65ab8c484c62c: storing feature_cvterm from a2af386d7f306918-genotype-5 to increased RNA level during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC29A10.02 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: bdc65ab8c484c62c warning in b843706c830e7b7d: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-2351 to increased transcriptional readthrough at RNA polymerase III-transcribed genes [assayed_using] SPCTRNATHR.10 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Other" from session: b843706c830e7b7d warning in b843706c830e7b7d: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-2351 to increased transcriptional readthrough at RNA polymerase III-transcribed genes [assayed_using] SPATRNAPRO.02 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Other" from session: b843706c830e7b7d warning in 7dcc48c984dda0bd: storing feature_cvterm from c10105abb43a8beb-genotype-3 to increased level of iron assimilation gene mRNA during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC947.05c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 7dcc48c984dda0bd warning in 33c4c7d6daa555cf: storing feature_cvterm from 33c4c7d6daa555cf-genotype-18 to increased protein localization to center of cell division site [assayed_using] SPAC11E3.02c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 33c4c7d6daa555cf warning in 7169c40527631f2c: storing feature_cvterm from 7169c40527631f2c-genotype-18 to abolished protein localization to chromatin during meiosis I [assayed_using] SPAC17A5.18c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 7169c40527631f2c warning in 466ed4e946c15c3f: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-1478 to abolished tRNA-Asp C38 methylation [assayed_using] aspartyl_tRNA - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Other", condition: "PECO:0000301" from session: 466ed4e946c15c3f warning in efb40309f7d22a73: storing feature_cvterm from SPBC27B12.11c.1 to DNA-binding transcription activator activity, RNA polymerase II-specific [happens_during] cellular response to phosphate starvation [has_regulation_target] SPBC1271.09 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Inferred from Mutant Phenotype" from session: efb40309f7d22a73 warning in efb40309f7d22a73: storing feature_cvterm from SPBC27B12.11c.1 to DNA-binding transcription activator activity, RNA polymerase II-specific [happens_during] cellular response to phosphate starvation [has_regulation_target] SPBC1271.09 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Inferred from Mutant Phenotype" from session: efb40309f7d22a73 warning in f1732559a5f79ef5: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-299 to abolished protein localization to pericentric heterochromatin during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC582.04c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment" from session: f1732559a5f79ef5 warning in 65ee22c229c3e125: storing feature_cvterm from 65ee22c229c3e125-genotype-2 to decreased RNA level during nitrogen starvation [assayed_using] SPCC285.09c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: 65ee22c229c3e125 warning in 31f83944ec9ea1a7: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-3413 to decreased chromatin silencing at silent mating-type cassette [has_severity] low - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: 31f83944ec9ea1a7 warning in aabe6ef236eda9f5: can't load annotation, GO:0071733 is an obsolete term warning in 462b1f18876a3bee: storing feature_cvterm from 462b1f18876a3bee-genotype-1 to abolished protein-protein interaction [assayed_using] SPAC24H6.06 [assayed_using] SPAC23C4.18c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "reporter gene assay evidence" from session: 462b1f18876a3bee warning in a82c265e16b26ca6: storing feature_cvterm from a82c265e16b26ca6-genotype-1 to decreased chromatin silencing at subtelomere [has_severity] low - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "reporter gene assay evidence" from session: a82c265e16b26ca6 warning in ab90f75fa22cff89: can't load annotation, FYPO:0005070 is an obsolete term warning in e70a1374f7a8719d: storing feature_cvterm from e70a1374f7a8719d-genotype-5 to delayed negative regulation of protein kinase activity during mitosis [assayed_enzyme] SPBC11B10.09 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Western blot assay" from session: e70a1374f7a8719d warning in 38c6b56f199ef8a0: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-14998 to mislocalized protein distributed in cell cortex during mitotic interphase [assayed_using] SPBC1A4.05 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy", condition: "PECO:0000004" from session: 38c6b56f199ef8a0 warning in 488ebe84ae41b570: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-14086 to normal protein phosphorylation during cellular response to DNA damage [assayed_using] cds1/Phos:(T11) - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Western blot assay" from session: 488ebe84ae41b570 warning in 57346d6578962342: storing feature_cvterm from 57346d6578962342-genotype-1 to increased RNA level during cellular response to hydrogen peroxide [assayed_using] SPCC757.07c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence", condition: "PECO:0000078" from session: 57346d6578962342 warning in 57346d6578962342: storing feature_cvterm from 57346d6578962342-genotype-1 to increased RNA level during cellular response to hydrogen peroxide [assayed_using] SPBC215.05 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: condition: "PECO:0000078", evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: 57346d6578962342 warning in 57346d6578962342: storing feature_cvterm from 57346d6578962342-genotype-1 to increased RNA level during cellular response to hydrogen peroxide [assayed_using] SPBC106.02c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence", condition: "PECO:0000078" from session: 57346d6578962342 warning in 57346d6578962342: storing feature_cvterm from 57346d6578962342-genotype-5 to increased RNA level during cellular response to hydrogen peroxide [assayed_using] SPAP8A3.04c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence", condition: "PECO:0000078" from session: 57346d6578962342 warning in 9197675c3ba9f5d1: storing feature_cvterm from 6dfef8615eb3cdaa-genotype-4 to increased level of DSR-containing meiosis gene mRNA during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC32H8.11 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence", condition: "PECO:0000126" from session: 9197675c3ba9f5d1 warning in 9197675c3ba9f5d1: storing feature_cvterm from 6dfef8615eb3cdaa-genotype-4 to increased level of DSR-containing meiosis gene mRNA during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAC27D7.13c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: condition: "PECO:0000126", evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: 9197675c3ba9f5d1 warning in 9197675c3ba9f5d1: storing feature_cvterm from 6dfef8615eb3cdaa-genotype-4 to increased level of DSR-containing meiosis gene mRNA during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPBC216.02 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: condition: "PECO:0000126", evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: 9197675c3ba9f5d1 warning in 7d2c05ef7277f909: storing feature_cvterm from 7d2c05ef7277f909-genotype-10 to decreased protein localization to chromatin during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPCC306.03c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment" from session: 7d2c05ef7277f909 warning in 1bc92c0f892db627: storing feature_cvterm from 1bc92c0f892db627-genotype-2 to resistance to Cutin-1 [has_severity] high - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "cell growth assay evidence", condition: "PECO:0000005,PECO:0000103,PECO:0000307" from session: 1bc92c0f892db627 warning in 1a9429aa838169ed: storing feature_cvterm from 7e66641cb8bf60c5-genotype-2 to abolished protein localization to medial cortex during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAC24B11.11c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: condition: "PECO:0000004,PECO:0000229", evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 1a9429aa838169ed warning in 1a9429aa838169ed: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-14997 to abolished protein localization to medial cortex during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAC24B11.11c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy", condition: "PECO:0000004,PECO:0000229" from session: 1a9429aa838169ed warning in 0ad02adeb90a8109: storing feature_cvterm from 0ad02adeb90a8109-genotype-53 to sensitive to silver ions [has_severity] low - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "cell growth assay evidence", condition: "PECO:0000005,PECO:0000137" from session: 0ad02adeb90a8109 warning in 57d00be9a0ffdd97: storing feature_cvterm from 57d00be9a0ffdd97-genotype-7 to abolished protein localization to nuclear exosome focus [assayed_using] SPAC1F3.01 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 57d00be9a0ffdd97 warning in 41cf39ea6dc64d5a: storing feature_cvterm from 41cf39ea6dc64d5a-genotype-5 to normal protein localization to centromere [assayed_using] SPBC11C11.03 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: condition: "PECO:0000005", evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 41cf39ea6dc64d5a warning in ed8fef19dce7d13a: storing feature_cvterm from ed8fef19dce7d13a-genotype-1 to normal protein localization to eMTOC [assayed_using] SPCC417.07c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: ed8fef19dce7d13a warning in 4794f2ac68f1b5ba: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-12734 to normal protein localization to meiotic spindle pole body [assayed_using] SPAC6G9.04 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 4794f2ac68f1b5ba warning in 4794f2ac68f1b5ba: storing feature_cvterm from PomBase-genotype-12734 to normal protein localization to meiotic spindle pole body [assayed_using] SPAC6G9.04 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: 4794f2ac68f1b5ba warning in 4dd289ca048623e6: storing feature_cvterm from 4dd289ca048623e6-genotype-13 to decreased vegetative cell population growth [has_severity] medium - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "cell growth assay evidence", condition: "PECO:0000005,PECO:0000137" from session: 4dd289ca048623e6 warning in 7927a4b16214fe51: allele_type for new allele "hht2-K9R(amino_acid_insertion_and_mutation)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "hht2-K9R(amino_acid_mutation)" (from session 93e1b181a0463890) warning in 770c340acda1b033: storing feature_cvterm from 58d8ad0dec113279-genotype-3 to abolished RNA polymerase II proximal promoter sequence-specific DNA binding [assayed_using] MCB - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "gel electrophoresis evidence" from session: 770c340acda1b033 warning in 2ef9911b1699da5e: storing feature_cvterm from 2ef9911b1699da5e-genotype-7 to sensitive to ionizing radiation during vegetative growth [has_severity] medium - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: condition: "PECO:0000005,PECO:0000137", evidence: "cell growth assay evidence" from session: 2ef9911b1699da5e warning in a48edd53bda96efe: storing feature_cvterm from a48edd53bda96efe-genotype-1 to increased protein level during mitotic G1 phase [assayed_using] SPBC582.03 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Western blot assay" from session: a48edd53bda96efe warning in dee2cb4000771ecf: storing feature_cvterm from dee2cb4000771ecf-genotype-19 to slow vegetative cell population growth [has_severity] high - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "cell growth assay evidence", condition: "PECO:0000004" from session: dee2cb4000771ecf warning in 615730f8699178ab: storing feature_cvterm from 615730f8699178ab-genotype-5 to normal protein-protein interaction [assayed_using] SPAC7D4.04 [assayed_using] SPCC63.08c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Other" from session: 615730f8699178ab warning in 24e9f1d9ea02f952: storing feature_cvterm from 24e9f1d9ea02f952-genotype-6 to increased RNA level [assayed_using] SPBC23G7.17c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: 24e9f1d9ea02f952 warning in 24e9f1d9ea02f952: storing feature_cvterm from 24e9f1d9ea02f952-genotype-6 to increased RNA level [assayed_using] SPMTR.02 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "transcript expression level evidence" from session: 24e9f1d9ea02f952 warning in ef61ac1ac91c951e: storing feature_cvterm from ef61ac1ac91c951e-genotype-14 to viable small vegetative cell with normal cell growth rate [has_severity] high - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Other", condition: "PECO:0000227" from session: ef61ac1ac91c951e warning in a983b01258f7c025: storing feature_cvterm from a983b01258f7c025-genotype-3 to ectopic actin fusion focus assembly [has_severity] low - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "Microscopy" from session: a983b01258f7c025 warning in e3188b7c6757274d: storing feature_cvterm from e3188b7c6757274d-genotype-1 to increased negative regulation of transcription by zinc [assayed_using] SPBC16D10.06 - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: condition: "PECO:0000172", evidence: "reporter gene assay evidence" from session: e3188b7c6757274d warning in 31a2874ab03c580a: storing feature_cvterm from 31a2874ab03c580a-genotype-12 to abnormal protein localization to chromatin during vegetative growth [assayed_using] SPAC664.01c - failed to store feature_cvterm: that annotation has already been stored in Chado with properties: evidence: "cell growth assay evidence" from session: 31a2874ab03c580a