no SO type for mRNA - skipping CU329670_intron_4618988..4619032 has no uniquename - skipping CU329670_intron_4738675..4738716 has no uniquename - skipping CU329670_intron_4826298..4826342 has no uniquename - skipping unknown qualifier: /obsolete_id can't find feature for: SGD:S000029663 ortholog (SGD:S000029663) not found can't find feature for: SGD:S000029664 ortholog (SGD:S000029664) not found can't find feature for: SGD:S000029665 ortholog (SGD:S000029665) not found can't find feature for: SGD:S000029662 ortholog (SGD:S000029662) not found ignoring /systematic_id=SPBC119.04 on misc_feature ignoring /systematic_id=SPBC17A3.07 on misc_feature no SO type for mRNA - skipping no SO type for mRNA - skipping ignoring /systematic_id=SPBC19C2.05 on misc_feature ignoring /systematic_id=SPBC19C2.05 on misc_feature CU329671_intron_1715443..1715483 has no uniquename - skipping CU329671_intron_3391070..3391177 has no uniquename - skipping ID in EMBL file (GO:0052824) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0052917) for EMBL term name dolichyl-pyrophosphate Man7GlcNAc2 alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase activity (Chado term name: dolichyl-P-Man:Man(7)GlcNAc(2)-PP-dolichol alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=F; term=dolichyl-pyrophosphate Man7GlcNAc2 alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase activity; GOid=GO:0052824; evidence=ISS; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=SGD:S000005313; date=20050429' from SPBC1734.12c.1: unknown term name "electron transporter, transferring electrons from CoQH2-cytochrome c reductase complex and cytochrome c oxidase complex activity" and unknown GO ID "GO:0045155": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=F; term=electron transporter, transferring electrons from CoQH2-cytochrome c reductase complex and cytochrome c oxidase complex activity; GOid=GO:0045155; evidence=ISS; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=UniProtKB:P00045; date=20040507' from SPCC191.07.1: no SO type for gene - skipping no SO type for gene - skipping no SO type for source - skipping