no SO type for mRNA - skipping CU329670_intron_4618988..4619032 has no uniquename - skipping CU329670_intron_4738675..4738716 has no uniquename - skipping CU329670_intron_4826298..4826342 has no uniquename - skipping can't find new term for Epilepsy, early-onset, vitamin B6-dependent in mapping for mondo: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, Epilepsy, early-onset, vitamin B6-dependent; date=20180910' from SPAC644.09 found cvterm by ID, but name doesn't match any cvterm: GO:0005886 EMBL file: plasma membrane Chado name for ID: plasma membrane: failed to load qualifier 'aspect=P; term=plasma membrane; GOid=GO:0005886; evidence=IC; db_xref=GO_REF:0000111; from=GO:0016021|GO:0051286; date=20200628' from SPAC16A10.01.1: can't find new term for telomere syndromes in mapping for mondo: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, telomere syndromes; date=20180407' from SPNCRNA.214 unknown term name "ATPase-coupled iron-sulfur cluster transmembrane transporter activity" and unknown GO ID "GO:0140481": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=F; term=ATPase-coupled iron-sulfur cluster transmembrane transporter activity; GOid=GO:0140481; evidence=NAS; db_xref=GO_REF:0000051; date=20200625' from SPAC15A10.01.1: database name for new term (G GO) doesn't match existing name (GO) for term name: protein catabolic process in the vacuole: failed to load qualifier 'aspect=P; term=protein catabolic process in the vacuole; GOid=G GO:0007039; evidence=ISS; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=SGD:S000004912; date=20200628' from SPAC19G12.10c.1: can't find new term for microcephaly-capillary malformation syndrome (MICCAP) in mapping for mondo: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, microcephaly-capillary malformation syndrome (MICCAP); date=20151204' from SPAC19B12.10 can't find feature for: SGD:S000029663 ortholog (SGD:S000029663) not found can't find feature for: SGD:S000029664 ortholog (SGD:S000029664) not found can't find feature for: SGD:S000029665 ortholog (SGD:S000029665) not found can't find feature for: SGD:S000029662 ortholog (SGD:S000029662) not found ignoring /systematic_id=SPBC119.04 on misc_feature ignoring /systematic_id=SPBC17A3.07 on misc_feature no SO type for mRNA - skipping no SO type for mRNA - skipping ignoring /systematic_id=SPBC19C2.05 on misc_feature ignoring /systematic_id=SPBC19C2.05 on misc_feature CU329671_intron_1715443..1715483 has no uniquename - skipping CU329671_intron_3391070..3391177 has no uniquename - skipping can't find new term for telomere syndromes in mapping for mondo: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, telomere syndromes; date=20180407' from SPBC29A3.14c can't find new term for Uner Tan syndrome in mapping for mondo: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, Uner Tan syndrome; db_xref=PMID:28013290; date=20161226' from SPBC16A3.15c can't find new term for DNA repair-deficiency disorders in mapping for mondo: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, DNA repair-deficiency disorders; date=20160105' from SPBC16A3.11 ignoring /systematic_id=SPCC548.03c on misc_feature no SO type for gene - skipping no SO type for gene - skipping no SO type for source - skipping failed to add annotation extension to SPBP4G3.02 <-> RNA level: can't find term with ID: CHEBI:53745 failed to add annotation extension to SPBC1271.09 <-> RNA level: can't find term with ID: CHEBI:168396 failed to add annotation extension to SPBC1271.09 <-> RNA level: can't find term with ID: CHEBI:53745 failed to add annotation extension to SPBP4G3.02 <-> RNA level: can't find term with ID: CHEBI:168396 failed to add annotation extension to SPBC8E4.01c <-> RNA level: can't find term with ID: CHEBI:168396 failed to add annotation extension to SPBC8E4.01c <-> RNA level: can't find term with ID: CHEBI:53745