format-version: 1.2 date: 13:07:2012 17:15 saved-by: midori default-namespace: gene_ex_extension_relations ontology: gene_ex_extension_relations [Typedef] id: during name: during def: "happens_during or exists_during." [BFO:cjm] is_transitive: true comment: use with GO term for cell cycle phase, response, etc. [Typedef] id: in_absence_of name: in_absence_of def: "a substance is absent" [PomBase:mah] comment: link between gene expression and a chemical; use when expression is observed in the absence of the chemical [Typedef] id: in_presence_of name: in_presence_of def: "a substance is present" [PomBase:mah] comment: link between gene expression and a chemical; use when expression is observed in the presence of the chemical