no SO type for mRNA - skipping CU329670_intron_4618988..4619032 has no uniquename - skipping CU329670_intron_4738675..4738716 has no uniquename - skipping CU329670_intron_4826298..4826342 has no uniquename - skipping can't find new term for hyperphosphatasia with mental retardation syndrome in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, hyperphosphatasia with mental retardation syndrome; date=20171207' from SPAC18B11.05 can't find new term for hyperphosphatasia in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, hyperphosphatasia; date=20171207' from SPAC18B11.05 can't find new term for DNA repair-deficiency disorders in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, DNA repair-deficiency disorders; date=20160105' from SPAC12G12.16c can't find new term for DNA repair-deficiency disorders in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, DNA repair-deficiency disorders; date=20160105' from SPAC1D4.12 can't find new term for trichothiodystrophy in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, trichothiodystrophy; date=20160105' from SPAC1D4.12 can't find new term for ribosomopathy in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, ribosomopathy; date=20171010' from SPAC1687.01 can't find new term for cerebellar atrophy in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, cerebellar atrophy; db_xref=PMID:27016154; date=20171025' from SPAC30D11.09 can't find new term for glutathionuria in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, glutathionuria; date=20060724' from SPAC56E4.06c can't find new term for postaxial acrofacial dysostosis syndrome in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, postaxial acrofacial dysostosis syndrome; db_xref=PMID:22692683; date=20130516' from SPAC57A10.12c can't find new term for PAPA syndrome in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, PAPA syndrome; date=20130320' from SPAC20G8.05c can't find new term for telomere syndromes in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, telomere syndromes; date=20180407' from SPAP27G11.13c can't find new term for Paroxysmal Nonkinesigenic Dyskinesia in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, Paroxysmal Nonkinesigenic Dyskinesia; date=20161004' from SPAC824.07 can't find new term for glutathionuria in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, glutathionuria; date=20060724' from SPAC664.09 can't find new term for DNA repair-deficiency disorders in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, DNA repair-deficiency disorders; date=20160105' from SPAC17A5.06 can't find new term for keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans X-linked in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans X-linked; date=20170222' from SPAC1002.07c can't find new term for progeroid disorders in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, progeroid disorders; date=20091106' from SPAC3H1.05 can't find new term for N-acetylglutamate synthetase deficiency in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, N-acetylglutamate synthetase deficiency; date=20160106' from SPAC4G9.09c can't find new term for hyperphosphatasia with mental retardation syndrome in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, hyperphosphatasia with mental retardation syndrome; date=20171207' from SPAC823.07 can't find new term for hyperphosphatasia in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, hyperphosphatasia; date=20171207' from SPAC823.07 can't find new term for GRACILE syndrome in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, GRACILE syndrome; date=19700101' from SPAC644.07 can't find new term for GRACILE syndrome in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, GRACILE syndrome; date=20160106' from SPAC644.07 can't find new term for Epilepsy, early-onset, vitamin B6-dependent in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, Epilepsy, early-onset, vitamin B6-dependent; date=20180910' from SPAC644.09 can't find new term for glutaric aciduria 2A in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, glutaric aciduria 2A; date=20131206' from SPAC1805.02c can't find new term for glutathione synthetase deficiency in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, glutathione synthetase deficiency; date=20160105' from SPAC3F10.04 can't find new term for optic neuropathy in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, optic neuropathy; db_xref=PMID:25351951; date=20171019' from SPAC24C9.06c can't find new term for cerebellar atrophy in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, cerebellar atrophy; db_xref=PMID:25351951; date=20171019' from SPAC24C9.06c can't find new term for telomere syndromes in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, telomere syndromes; date=20180407' from SPNCRNA.214 can't find new term for MOGS-CDG disorder in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, MOGS-CDG disorder; db_xref=PMID:30389790; date=20190723' from SPAC6G10.09 can't find new term for mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome; db_xref=PMID:15929042; date=20180407' from SPAC16E8.17c can't find new term for pentosuria in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, pentosuria; date=20160105' from SPAC4H3.08 can't find new term for galactosialidosis in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, galactosialidosis; date=20160106' from SPAC19G12.10c unknown term name "positive regulation of unsaturated fatty acid biosynthetic process by positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter" and unknown GO ID "GO:0036083": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=P; term=positive regulation of unsaturated fatty acid biosynthetic process by positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter; GOid=GO:0036083; evidence=ISS; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=SGD:S000001503; date=20120420' from SPAC26H5.05.1: can't find feature for: CARS ortholog (CARS) not found can't find new term for glutaric aciduria 2A in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, glutaric aciduria 2A; date=20131206' from SPAC27D7.06 can't find new term for DNA repair-deficiency disorders in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, DNA repair-deficiency disorders; date=20160105' from SPAC12B10.12c can't find new term for heredopathia atactica polyneuritiformis in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, heredopathia atactica polyneuritiformis; db_xref=PMID:12522768; date=20141024' from SPAC17D4.01 can't find new term for telomere syndromes in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, telomere syndromes; date=20180407' from SPAC1782.10c can't find new term for microcephaly-capillary malformation syndrome (MICCAP) in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, microcephaly-capillary malformation syndrome (MICCAP); date=20151204' from SPAC19B12.10 can't find new term for telomere syndromes in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, telomere syndromes; date=20180407' from SPAC29A4.04c can't find new term for childhood-onset dystonia and optic atrophy in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, childhood-onset dystonia and optic atrophy; date=20170525' from SPAC26F1.04c can't find new term for mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome; db_xref=PMID:15929042; date=20180407' from SPAC3G6.05 can't find feature for: SGD:S000029663 ortholog (SGD:S000029663) not found can't find feature for: SGD:S000029664 ortholog (SGD:S000029664) not found can't find feature for: SGD:S000029665 ortholog (SGD:S000029665) not found can't find feature for: SGD:S000029662 ortholog (SGD:S000029662) not found can't find new term for Schindler disease in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, Schindler disease; date=20160106' from SPAC869.07c ignoring /systematic_id=SPBC119.04 on misc_feature ignoring /systematic_id=SPBC17A3.07 on misc_feature no SO type for mRNA - skipping no SO type for mRNA - skipping ignoring /systematic_id=SPBC19C2.05 on misc_feature ignoring /systematic_id=SPBC19C2.05 on misc_feature CU329671_intron_1715443..1715483 has no uniquename - skipping CU329671_intron_3391070..3391177 has no uniquename - skipping can't find new term for Uner Tan syndrome in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, Uner Tan syndrome; db_xref=PMID:28013290; date=20161226' from SPBC800.05c can't find new term for DNA repair-deficiency disorders in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, DNA repair-deficiency disorders; date=20160105' from SPBC649.03 can't find feature for: KIAA1147 ortholog (KIAA1147) not found can't find new term for DNA repair-deficiency disorders in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, DNA repair-deficiency disorders; date=20160105' from SPBC577.09 can't find new term for N-acetylglutamate synthetase deficiency in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, N-acetylglutamate synthetase deficiency; date=20160106' from SPBC725.14 can't find new term for phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase superactivity in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase superactivity; date=20160106' from SPBC3D6.06c can't find new term for hyperphosphatasia with mental retardation syndrome in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, hyperphosphatasia with mental retardation syndrome; date=20171207' from SPBC27B12.06 can't find new term for hyperphosphatasia in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, hyperphosphatasia; date=20171207' from SPBC27B12.06 found cvterm by ID, but name doesn't match any cvterm: GO:0003918 EMBL file: DNA topoisomerase type II (ATP-hydrolyzing) activity Chado name for ID: DNA topoisomerase type II (double strand cut, ATP-hydrolyzing) activity: failed to load qualifier 'aspect=F; term=DNA topoisomerase type II (ATP-hydrolyzing) activity; qualifier=heterologous_system; GOid=GO:0003918; evidence=IGI; db_xref=PMID:3023070; with=SGD:S000005032; date=20061012' from SPBC1A4.03c.1: can't find new term for telomere syndromes in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, telomere syndromes; date=20180407' from SPBC29A3.14c can't find new term for hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome; date=20180108' from SPBC17G9.02c can't find new term for muscle beta-enolase deficiency in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, muscle beta-enolase deficiency; date=20160106' from SPBC1815.01 can't find new term for hyperprolinemia type 1 in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, hyperprolinemia type 1; date=20160105' from SPBC24C6.04 can't find new term for hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer; date=20060724' from SPBC19G7.01c can't find new term for cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase deficiency in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase deficiency; date=20160106' from SPBC29A10.01 can't find new term for hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer; date=20070219' from SPBC29A10.05 can't find new term for lyase deficiency in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, lyase deficiency; date=20160105' from SPBC29A10.16c can't find new term for DNA repair-deficiency disorders in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, DNA repair-deficiency disorders; date=20160105' from SPBC3E7.08c can't find feature for: MARCH9 ortholog (MARCH9) not found can't find new term for DNA repair-deficiency disorders in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, DNA repair-deficiency disorders; date=20160105' from SPBC32F12.15 can't find new term for hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer; date=20060724' from SPBC1703.04 found cvterm by ID, but name doesn't match any cvterm: GO:0003917 EMBL file: DNA topoisomerase type I activity Chado name for ID: DNA topoisomerase type I (single strand cut, ATP-independent) activity: failed to load qualifier 'aspect=F; term=DNA topoisomerase type I activity; GOid=GO:0003917; evidence=ISS; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=SGD:S000005366; date=20051003' from SPBC1703.14c.1: can't find new term for DNA repair-deficiency disorders in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, DNA repair-deficiency disorders; date=20160105' from SPBC13E7.02 can't find new term for congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II; date=20151103' from SPBC776.04 can't find feature for: TARS ortholog (TARS) not found can't find feature for: TARSL2 ortholog (TARSL2) not found can't find new term for PAPA syndrome in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, PAPA syndrome; date=20130320' from SPBC11C11.02 can't find new term for mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome; db_xref=PMID:15929042; date=20180407' from SPBC25D12.04 can't find new term for infantile cerebral and cerebellar atrophy in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, infantile cerebral and cerebellar atrophy; date=20101019' from SPBC31F10.04c can't find new term for cerebellar atrophy in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, cerebellar atrophy; date=20171019' from SPBC31F10.04c can't find feature for: MARCH6 ortholog (MARCH6) not found can't find new term for galactosialidosis in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, galactosialidosis; date=20160106' from SPBC16G5.09 found cvterm by ID, but name doesn't match any cvterm: GO:0003917 EMBL file: DNA topoisomerase type I activity Chado name for ID: DNA topoisomerase type I (single strand cut, ATP-independent) activity: failed to load qualifier 'aspect=F; term=DNA topoisomerase type I activity; GOid=GO:0003917; evidence=TAS; db_xref=PMID:10497270; date=20050323' from SPBC16G5.12c.1: can't find new term for Uner Tan syndrome in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, Uner Tan syndrome; db_xref=PMID:28013290; date=20161226' from SPBC16A3.15c can't find new term for DNA repair-deficiency disorders in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, DNA repair-deficiency disorders; date=20160105' from SPBC16A3.11 can't find new term for ribosomopathy in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, ribosomopathy; date=20171010' from SPBC1289.07c can't find new term for lactic acidosis and hyperpyruvatemia in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, lactic acidosis and hyperpyruvatemia; date=20120623' from SPCC1235.11 can't find new term for lactic acidosis and hyperpyruvatemia in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, lactic acidosis and hyperpyruvatemia; date=20120623' from SPCC1235.11 can't find new term for DNA repair-deficiency disorders in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, DNA repair-deficiency disorders; date=20160105' from SPCC4G3.10c can't find new term for DNA repair-deficiency disorders in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, DNA repair-deficiency disorders; date=20160105' from SPCC970.01 can't find new term for congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II; date=20151103' from SPCC31H12.07 can't find new term for lyase deficiency in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, lyase deficiency; date=20160105' from SPCC16A11.10c can't find new term for mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome; db_xref=PMID:15929042; date=20180407' from SPCC24B10.22 can't find new term for pediatric medulloblastoma in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, pediatric medulloblastoma; db_xref=PMID:25724843; date=20151013' from SPCC1795.11 can't find new term for Jalili syndrome in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, Jalili syndrome; date=20161204' from SPCC4B3.03c can't find new term for DNA repair-deficiency disorders in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, DNA repair-deficiency disorders; date=20160105' from SPCP25A2.02c can't find new term for trichohepatoenteric (SD/THE) syndrome in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, trichohepatoenteric (SD/THE) syndrome; date=20150520' from SPCC550.03c can't find new term for microcephalic primordial dwarfism in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, microcephalic primordial dwarfism; db_xref=PMID:26416026; date=20160707' from SPCC18.13 can't find new term for Galloway-Mowat syndrome in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, Galloway-Mowat syndrome; db_xref=PMID:30079490; date=20181119' from SPCC18.13 can't find new term for hereditary leiomyomatosis in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, hereditary leiomyomatosis; date=20060920' from SPCC18.18c can't find new term for fumarase deficiency in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, fumarase deficiency; date=20160106' from SPCC18.18c can't find new term for mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome; db_xref=PMID:15929042; date=20180407' from SPCC1620.08 can't find new term for trichohepatoenteric (SD/THE) syndrome in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, trichohepatoenteric (SD/THE) syndrome; date=20150520' from SPCC1919.05 can't find new term for hyperprolinemia type 1 in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, hyperprolinemia type 1; date=20181126' from SPCC70.03c can't find new term for combined malonic and methylmalonic aciduria in mapping for disease_ontology: failed to load qualifier 'term=disease associated, combined malonic and methylmalonic aciduria; date=20160106' from SPCC1827.03c no SO type for gene - skipping no SO type for gene - skipping no SO type for source - skipping no SO type for source - skipping