mRNA SPAC22F3.10c.1: with value "MGI:MGI:104990" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=glutamate-cysteine ligase complex; GOid=GO:0017109; evidence=ISO; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=MGI:MGI:104990; date=20070111' from SPAC22F3.10c.1: mRNA SPAC664.08c.1: with value "MGI:MGI:1929608" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=P; term=ribosome biogenesis and assembly; GOid=GO:0042254; evidence=ISS; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=MGI:MGI:1929608; date=20070110' from SPAC664.08c.1: mRNA SPAC6C3.09.1: with value "MGI:MGI:1346084" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=nucleolar ribonuclease P complex; GOid=GO:0005655; evidence=ISS; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=MGI:MGI:1346084; date=20061017' from SPAC6C3.09.1: mRNA SPAC6C3.09.1: with value "MGI:MGI:1346084" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=F; term=ribonuclease P activity; GOid=GO:0004526; evidence=ISS; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=MGI:MGI:1346084; date=20061017' from SPAC6C3.09.1: mRNA SPAC6C3.09.1: with value "MGI:MGI:1346084" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=P; term=tRNA 5'-leader removal; GOid=GO:0001682; evidence=ISS; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=MGI:MGI:1346084; date=20061017' from SPAC6C3.09.1: mRNA SPAC513.06c.1: with value "MGI:MGI:1919005" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=F; term=D-xylose 1-dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity; GOid=GO:0047837; evidence=ISS; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=MGI:MGI:1919005; date=20150502' from SPAC513.06c.1: mRNA SPAC513.06c.1: with value "MGI:MGI:1919005" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=P; term=D-xylose catabolic process; GOid=GO:0042843; evidence=ISS; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=MGI:MGI:1919005; date=20150502' from SPAC513.06c.1: mRNA SPAC9E9.04.1: with value "MGI:MGI:101917" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=P; term=ER to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport; GOid=GO:0006888; evidence=ISO; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=MGI:MGI:101917; date=20160709' from SPAC9E9.04.1: mRNA SPAPYUG7.06.1: with value "MGI:MGI:106313" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=P; term=protein desumoylation; GOid=GO:0016926; evidence=ISS; db_xref=PMID:22370726; with=MGI:MGI:106313; date=20180217' from SPAPYUG7.06.1: mRNA SPAC22E12.18.1: with value "MGI:MGI:109595" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=nucleus; GOid=GO:0005634; evidence=ISS; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=MGI:MGI:109595; date=20170903' from SPAC22E12.18.1: mRNA SPAC19D5.07.1: with value "MGI:MGI:2443582" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=mitochondrion; GOid=GO:0005739; evidence=ISS; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=MGI:MGI:2443582; date=20070803' from SPAC19D5.07.1: 5'UTR SPBC119.04.1:5'UTR:1 from gene: SPBC119.04: ignoring /systematic_id=SPBC119.04 on misc_feature 5'UTR SPBC17A3.07.1:5'UTR:1 from gene: SPBC17A3.07: ignoring /systematic_id=SPBC17A3.07 on misc_feature ncRNA SPNCRNA.108.1 from gene: SPNCRNA.108: ignoring /systematic_id=SPBC19C2.05 on misc_feature CDS SPBC19C2.05.1 from gene: SPBC19C2.05: ignoring /systematic_id=SPBC19C2.05 on misc_feature mRNA SPBPB21E7.04c.1: with value "MGI:MGI:88470" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=mitochondrion; GOid=GO:0005739; evidence=ISS; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=MGI:MGI:88470; date=20170904' from SPBPB21E7.04c.1: mRNA SPBC119.03.1: with value "MGI:MGI:88470" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=mitochondrion; GOid=GO:0005739; evidence=ISS; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=MGI:MGI:88470; date=20170904' from SPBC119.03.1: mRNA SPBC577.15c.1: with value "MGI:MGI:1355328" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=P; term=histone exchange; GOid=GO:0043486; evidence=ISO; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=MGI:MGI:1355328; date=20070806' from SPBC577.15c.1: mRNA SPBC530.12c.1: with value "MGI:MGI:1298204" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=F; term=palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity; qualifier=C_term; GOid=GO:0008474; evidence=ISO; db_xref=PMID:15075260; with=MGI:MGI:1298204; date=20040414' from SPBC530.12c.1: mRNA SPBC337.16.1: internal error, failed to find cvterm for GO:000574 (GO:0005741): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=mitochondrial outer membrane; GOid=GO:000574; evidence=ISO; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=UniProtKB:P08456; date=20181216' from SPBC337.16.1: mRNA SPBC28E12.06c.1: with value "MGI:MGI:1096875" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=cytoplasm; GOid=GO:0005737; evidence=ISO; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=MGI:MGI:1096875; date=20040906' from SPBC28E12.06c.1: mRNA SPBC2G5.01.1: with value "MGI:MGI:1914413" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=P; term=ER-nucleus signaling pathway; GOid=GO:0006984; evidence=ISO; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=MGI:MGI:1914413; date=20121013' from SPBC2G5.01.1: mRNA SPBC1703.11.1: with value "MGI:MGI:5312669" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=P; term=regulation of lipid metabolic process; GOid=GO:0019216; evidence=ISO; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=MGI:MGI:5312669; date=20170705' from SPBC1703.11.1: mRNA SPBC20F10.03.1: with value "MGI:MGI:1316717" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=nucleus; GOid=GO:0005634; evidence=ISS; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=MGI:MGI:1316717; date=20170830' from SPBC20F10.03.1: mRNA SPCC825.05c.1: with value "MGI:MGI:1858303" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=P; term=nuclear mRNA cis splicing, via spliceosome; GOid=GO:0045292; evidence=ISO; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=MGI:MGI:1858303; date=20040923' from SPCC825.05c.1: mRNA SPCC825.05c.1: with value "MGI:MGI:1858303" should be in the form "DB:ACCESSION": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=C; term=spliceosome complex; GOid=GO:0005681; evidence=ISO; db_xref=GO_REF:0000024; with=MGI:MGI:1858303; date=20061027' from SPCC825.05c.1: