more the one relation cvterm returned for part_of: terms: BFO:0000050 and _global:part_of warning in 4fa485c82556641b: description for new allele "eso1-H17(G799D)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "eso1-H17(aaG799D)" (from session 4fa485c82556641b) warning in d5d0ef3568cea1fd: description for new allele "prp2-1(G1160A)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "prp2-1(C387Y)" warning in d5d0ef3568cea1fd: description for new allele "prp2-1(G1160A)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "prp2-1(C387Y)" (from session d5d0ef3568cea1fd) warning in d5d0ef3568cea1fd: allele_type for new allele "prp2-1(nucleotide_mutation)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "prp2-1(amino_acid_mutation)" (from session d5d0ef3568cea1fd) warning in 7803457eba12e494: description for new allele "pds5-him(P82A,D83A,P85A)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "pds5-him(P82A,D83A and P85A)" (from session 7803457eba12e494) warning in 7803457eba12e494: description for new allele "pds5-him(P82A,D83A,P85A)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "pds5-him(P82A,D83A and P85A)" (from session 7803457eba12e494) warning in 7803457eba12e494: description for new allele "eso1-H17(G799D)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "eso1-H17(aaG799D)" (from session 4fa485c82556641b) warning in 58d8ad0dec113279: description for new allele "cdc10-M17(G1179A)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc10-M17(A393T)" (from session 5b00ac57e2eaf984) warning in 58d8ad0dec113279: description for new allele "cdc10-K30(C1286T)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc10-K30(T429I)" (from session 58d8ad0dec113279) warning in 58d8ad0dec113279: allele_type for new allele "cdc10-K30(nucleotide_mutation)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc10-K30(amino_acid_mutation)" (from session 58d8ad0dec113279) warning in 58d8ad0dec113279: description for new allele "cdc10-MBC4(C2119T)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc10-MBC4(R707->STOP)" (from session 58d8ad0dec113279) warning in 58d8ad0dec113279: allele_type for new allele "cdc10-MBC4(nucleotide_mutation)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc10-MBC4(amino_acid_mutation)" (from session 58d8ad0dec113279) warning in 58d8ad0dec113279: description for new allele "cdc10-M47(G1459A)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc10-M47(A487T)" (from session 58d8ad0dec113279) warning in 58d8ad0dec113279: allele_type for new allele "cdc10-M47(nucleotide_mutation)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc10-M47(amino_acid_mutation)" (from session 58d8ad0dec113279) warning in 58d8ad0dec113279: description for new allele "cdc10-M4(G1177A)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc10-M4(A393T)" (from session 58d8ad0dec113279) warning in 58d8ad0dec113279: allele_type for new allele "cdc10-M4(nucleotide_mutation)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc10-M4(amino_acid_mutation)" (from session 58d8ad0dec113279) warning in 58d8ad0dec113279: description for new allele "cdc10-K28(P383S,R610C)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc10-K28(C1147T,C1557T,C1828T)" (from session 58d8ad0dec113279) warning in 58d8ad0dec113279: allele_type for new allele "cdc10-K28(amino_acid_mutation)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc10-K28(nucleotide_mutation)" (from session 58d8ad0dec113279) warning in 58d8ad0dec113279: description for new allele "cdc10-M15(A393T)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc10-M15(G1177A)" (from session 58d8ad0dec113279) warning in 58d8ad0dec113279: allele_type for new allele "cdc10-M15(amino_acid_mutation)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc10-M15(nucleotide_mutation)" (from session 58d8ad0dec113279) warning in 58d8ad0dec113279: description for new allele "cdc10-MBC41(T429I)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc10-MBC41(C1286T)" (from session 58d8ad0dec113279) warning in 58d8ad0dec113279: allele_type for new allele "cdc10-MBC41(amino_acid_mutation)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc10-MBC41(nucleotide_mutation)" (from session 58d8ad0dec113279) warning in 09b5fcafa2826d4a: involved_in() not allowed for biological_process warning in bdeb75b22f017c39: description for new allele "prp2-1(G1160A)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "prp2-1(C387Y)" (from session d5d0ef3568cea1fd) warning in f5cfe860f60d0109: description for new allele "peg1-Pcnd3(peg1 promoter replaced by cnd3 promoter)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "peg1-Pcnd3(peg1/cnd3 promoter swap)" (from session f5cfe860f60d0109) warning in f5cfe860f60d0109: description for new allele "cnd1-Pcnd3(promoter replacement)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cnd1-Pcnd3(cnd1 promoter replaced by cnd3 promoter)" (from session f5cfe860f60d0109) warning in 48be31dcce9039d3: allele_type for new allele "ctp1-delta-N60(partial_amino_acid_deletion)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "ctp1-delta-N60(amino_acid_mutation)" warning in f6a5a7da08695182: description for new allele "bub3-RA,KA(bub3-RA,KAx2)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "bub3-RA,KA(R201A,K221A)" (from session f6a5a7da08695182) warning in f6a5a7da08695182: allele_type for new allele "bub3-RA,KA(other)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "bub3-RA,KA(amino_acid_mutation)" (from session f6a5a7da08695182) warning in f6a5a7da08695182: annotation_extension=has_regulation_target() not allowed for biological_process warning in f6a5a7da08695182: annotation_extension=has_regulation_target() not allowed for biological_process warning in f6a5a7da08695182: annotation_extension=has_regulation_target() not allowed for biological_process warning in f6a5a7da08695182: annotation_extension=has_regulation_target() not allowed for biological_process warning in 24a3853610543a99: description for new allele "prp2-1(G1160A)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "prp2-1(C387Y)" (from session d5d0ef3568cea1fd) warning in a7a3831a50c4517f: description for new allele "cnp1-P13A(P13A,P15A)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cnp1-P13A(P13A)" (from session a7a3831a50c4517f) genotype SPAC1486.02c-DUMMY has no alleles genotype SPAC4D7.11-DUMMY has no alleles genotype SPAC20H4.02-DUMMY has no alleles warning in 393d0a5aae35d3ac: description for new allele "atg1-m14(nt1182U,aa411->stop)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "atg1-m14(U inserted after nt1182,causing frameshift,amino acid change V395C,and stop codon after amino acid 411)" (from session 393d0a5aae35d3ac) warning in fe7a0f32d4e76d5d: in annotation extension for PomBase-genotype-947, can't parse identifier: pcs1 warning in fe7a0f32d4e76d5d: in annotation extension for PomBase-genotype-947, can't parse identifier: mts2 warning in 26c650fccd11e213: description for new allele "prp2-1(G1160A)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "prp2-1(C387Y)" (from session d5d0ef3568cea1fd) warning in 26c650fccd11e213: allele_type for new allele "prp2-1(nucleotide_mutation)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "prp2-1(amino_acid_mutation)" (from session d5d0ef3568cea1fd) warning in acb154d034f85813: description for new allele "cdc2-4w(G200T)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc2-4w(C67F)" (from session b94d5bebcfaa526b) warning in acb154d034f85813: allele_type for new allele "cdc2-4w(nucleotide_mutation)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc2-4w(amino_acid_mutation)" (from session b94d5bebcfaa526b) warning in e36b99ed5d28ee19: description for new allele "ctp1-2A(T79A,T89A)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "ctp1-2A(S87A,T89A)" (from session 7622b54e59b561d0) warning in e36b99ed5d28ee19: description for new allele "ctp1-3A(T78A,T79A,T89A)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "ctp1-3A(STT77AAA)" (from session 7622b54e59b561d0) warning in c396e950a0cdf1ad: description for new allele "cdc18-51(K571,R572)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc18-51(K571A,R572A)" warning in c396e950a0cdf1ad: description for new allele "cdc13+(nmt81-SO)(switch-off)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc13+(nmt81-SO)(switch off)" (from session c396e950a0cdf1ad) warning in aba22b8a34948b96: allele_type for new allele "cig2+(other)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cig2+(wild_type)" (from session c8f784dd2ebdf2e1) warning in aba22b8a34948b96: description for new allele "cig2+(nmt1-cig2+)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cig2+(wild type)" (from session c8f784dd2ebdf2e1) warning in aba22b8a34948b96: allele_type for new allele "cig2+(other)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cig2+(wild_type)" (from session c8f784dd2ebdf2e1) warning in aba22b8a34948b96: allele_type for new allele "cdc2+(other)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc2+(wild_type)" (from session 91da8e4c4e7b6d48) warning in aba22b8a34948b96: allele_type for new allele "cdc13+(other)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc13+(wild_type)" (from session f96ee693f519ef9d) warning in 25aefd25e9ecb150: description for new allele "cut2-447(L296S)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cut2-447(L296S)" (from session 8cef0a6f9aaae17e) warning in fb7a0a2c9bb5df54: has_input() not allowed for molecular_function warning in f54393989e565d1a: description for new allele "mrc1-3A(S604A,T645A,T653A)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "mrc1-3A(S604T,T645A,T653A)" warning in b7cd44c1f2b3e5bd: description for new allele "ade6-M375(G45->stop)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "ade6-M375(G133T)" (from session 0b6d5503e51a6f05) warning in b7cd44c1f2b3e5bd: allele_type for new allele "ade6-M375(amino_acid_mutation)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "ade6-M375(nucleotide_mutation)" (from session 0b6d5503e51a6f05) warning in b7cd44c1f2b3e5bd: description for new allele "ade6-M26(G46->stop)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "ade6-M26(G136T)" (from session 0b6d5503e51a6f05) warning in b7cd44c1f2b3e5bd: allele_type for new allele "ade6-M26(amino_acid_mutation)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "ade6-M26(nucleotide_mutation)" (from session 0b6d5503e51a6f05) warning in a8928db520ace5a9: allele_type for new allele "cdc25-13A(amino_acid_mutation)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc25-13A(other)" (from session a8928db520ace5a9) warning in a8928db520ace5a9: directly_activates() not allowed for molecular_function warning in 466c4197f9cf80c6: description for new allele "ade6-M26(G46->stop)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "ade6-M26(G136T)" (from session 0b6d5503e51a6f05) warning in 466c4197f9cf80c6: allele_type for new allele "ade6-M26(nonsense_mutation)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "ade6-M26(nucleotide_mutation)" (from session 0b6d5503e51a6f05) warning in 466c4197f9cf80c6: description for new allele "ade6-M375(G45->stop)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "ade6-M375(G133T)" (from session 0b6d5503e51a6f05) warning in 466c4197f9cf80c6: allele_type for new allele "ade6-M375(nonsense_mutation)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "ade6-M375(nucleotide_mutation)" (from session 0b6d5503e51a6f05) warning in 466c4197f9cf80c6: description for new allele "ade6-M26(G46->stop)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "ade6-M26(G136T)" (from session 0b6d5503e51a6f05) warning in 466c4197f9cf80c6: allele_type for new allele "ade6-M26(nonsense_mutation)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "ade6-M26(nucleotide_mutation)" (from session 0b6d5503e51a6f05) warning in 466c4197f9cf80c6: description for new allele "ade6-M375(G45->stop)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "ade6-M375(G133T)" (from session 0b6d5503e51a6f05) warning in 466c4197f9cf80c6: allele_type for new allele "ade6-M375(nonsense_mutation)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "ade6-M375(nucleotide_mutation)" (from session 0b6d5503e51a6f05) warning in cec0408e1de768d2: description for new allele "prp2-1(G1160A)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "prp2-1(C387Y)" (from session d5d0ef3568cea1fd) warning in 16802f31036c5732: description for new allele "cut8-563(S201P)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cut8-563(T601C)" (from session 8ad9bcb87e5ff032) warning in 16802f31036c5732: allele_type for new allele "cut8-563(amino_acid_mutation)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cut8-563(nucleotide_mutation)" (from session 8ad9bcb87e5ff032) warning in 873988311eb85ee1: description for new allele "cdc2HsF64(I64Y)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc2HsF64(I64F)" (from session 873988311eb85ee1) warning in 505fabad6506e06e: description for new allele "mrc1-3A(S604A,T645A,T653A)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "mrc1-3A(S604T,T645A,T653A)" (from session f54393989e565d1a) warning in 13cff5989c78e70f: description for new allele "prp1-4(L616I,S779L)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "prp1-4(C1846A,C2336T)" (from session bdeb75b22f017c39) warning in 13cff5989c78e70f: allele_type for new allele "prp1-4(amino_acid_mutation)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "prp1-4(nucleotide_mutation)" (from session bdeb75b22f017c39) warning in 593e1f8fb43caaa9: allele_type for new allele "cdc6-L591G(nucleotide_mutation)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc6-L591G(amino_acid_mutation)" (from session a87bae2017e8cda0) warning in b27ca821f4f21986: allele_type for new allele "cdc25-13A(amino_acid_mutation)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc25-13A(other)" (from session a8928db520ace5a9) warning in 5f9739dd2f7a875d: description for new allele "cdc13delta90(deletion of cyclin destruction box)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc13delta90(1-90)" (from session 5ef3337d730491a3) warning in 5f9739dd2f7a875d: allele_type for new allele "cdc13delta90(other)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc13delta90(partial_amino_acid_deletion)" (from session 5ef3337d730491a3) warning in 93c624d8e120755e: description for new allele "rum1-HA(N term HA tagged)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "rum1-HA(HA tagged rum1)" (from session c8f784dd2ebdf2e1) warning in 3e2f643b12155f98: description for new allele "cdc2-F15(Y15F)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc2-F15(T15F)" (from session 9ef4b740616f8870)