FYPO:0002403 abnormal nucleus FYPO:0000011 abnormal cell cycle FYPO:0000014 tapered cell FYPO:0000015 branched vegetative cell FYPO:0000017 elongated cell FYPO:0000020 pear-shaped cell FYPO:0000023 small cell FYPO:0000025 swollen cell FYPO:0000029 abnormal chromosome segregation FYPO:0000054 abnormal microtubule cytoskeleton organization FYPO:0000061 multinucleate vegetative cell FYPO:0000063 abnormal DNA recombination FYPO:0000119 abnormal spindle assembly FYPO:0000148 abnormal regulation of mitotic cell cycle FYPO:0000162 abnormal cellular response to stress FYPO:0000176 abnormal DNA replication initiation FYPO:0000180 abnormal cellular response to oxidative stress FYPO:0000186 abnormal cell division FYPO:0000217 abnormal DNA replication FYPO:0000263 abnormal regulation of translation in response to stress FYPO:0000329 abnormal protein modification during vegetative growth FYPO:0000338 abnormal mitotic spindle FYPO:0000407 abnormally arrested cell cycle progression FYPO:0000443 abnormal protein localization during vegetative growth FYPO:0000445 cell cycle arrest in mitotic G1 phase FYPO:0000502 abnormally arrested mitotic cell cycle progression FYPO:0000517 abnormal nucleus localization FYPO:0000608 abnormal cell cycle arrest in mitotic M phase FYPO:0000641 abnormal chromosome organization FYPO:0000642 abnormal chromatin organization FYPO:0000644 normal protein localization during vegetative growth FYPO:0000672 normal cell morphology FYPO:0000713 abnormal cellular response to starvation FYPO:0000782 mislocalized protein during vegetative growth FYPO:0000802 abnormal cytoskeleton organization FYPO:0000826 decreased RNA level FYPO:0000835 decreased protein level FYPO:0000836 increased protein level FYPO:0000837 cell cycle arrest in mitotic interphase FYPO:0000840 normal RNA level FYPO:0001013 abnormal membrane organization FYPO:0001026 abnormal occurrence of normal mitotic cell cycle arrest FYPO:0001057 abnormal amino acid import FYPO:0001058 decreased amino acid import FYPO:0001126 abnormal cell shape FYPO:0001127 abnormal cell size FYPO:0001179 abolished protein localization during vegetative growth FYPO:0001222 binucleate vegetative cell FYPO:0001223 binucleate multiseptate vegetative cell FYPO:0001231 normal cell cortex morphology FYPO:0001253 elongated multinucleate multiseptate vegetative cell, septa between nuclei FYPO:0001369 mislocalized actomyosin contractile ring FYPO:0001370 abnormal protein localization FYPO:0001373 abnormal protein localization to medial cortex FYPO:0001375 abolished protein localization FYPO:0001375 protein localization abolished FYPO:0001419 normal cell population growth rate FYPO:0001646 abnormal glutamate import FYPO:0001649 decreased glutamate import FYPO:0001650 decreased lysine import FYPO:0001651 abnormal lysine import FYPO:0001673 normal nuclear morphology FYPO:0001678 abolished protein localization to chromatin FYPO:0001679 abnormal protein localization to chromatin FYPO:0001859 increased minichromosome loss FYPO:0001872 abnormal cell adhesion FYPO:0001879 thin cell FYPO:0001890 increased RNA level FYPO:0001898 P-bodies present in decreased numbers FYPO:0001900 small P-bodies FYPO:0001955 spheroid cell FYPO:0001956 spherical cell FYPO:0001981 decreased rate of DNA replication FYPO:0001983 protein absent from cell FYPO:0002045 resistance to heat shock FYPO:0002058 viable cell population FYPO:0002069 mislocalized nucleus FYPO:0002071 mislocalized nucleus during vegetative growth FYPO:0002115 normal transporter activity FYPO:0002116 abnormal transporter activity FYPO:0002117 abolished transporter activity FYPO:0002118 decreased transporter activity FYPO:0002119 increased transporter activity FYPO:0002494 abnormal protein modification FYPO:0002677 abnormal protein phosphorylation FYPO:0003341 multinucleate FYPO:0003452 mislocalized protein FYPO:0003549 abnormal protein localization during meiosis FYPO:0003558 increased repeat element RNA level FYPO:0003627 normal protein localization FYPO:0003790 normal protein localization during meiosis FYPO:0003937 increased cell population growth FYPO:0004083 normal protein level FYPO:0004094 abnormal protein localization during meiotic cell cycle FYPO:0004095 normal protein localization during meiotic cell cycle FYPO:0004328 normal protein localization during mitosis FYPO:0004620 abnormal spindle disassembly FYPO:0004850 normal RNA metabolic process FYPO:0004851 abnormal RNA metabolic process FYPO:0004996 abnormal protein localization to chromosome FYPO:0005208 abolished protein localization during meiotic cell cycle FYPO:0005209 abnormal protein localization to kinetochore