no SO type for mRNA - skipping unknown term name "negative regulation of cytoplasmic translational initiation in response to stress" and unknown GO ID "GO:1990625": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=P; term=negative regulation of cytoplasmic translational initiation in response to stress; GOid=GO:1990625; evidence=IMP; db_xref=PMID:12242291; with=PomBase:SPAC3G9.09c; date=20041110' from SPAC222.07c.1: no db_xref for farnesylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, farnesylated; cv=pt_mod; evidence=ISS; residue=202-205; date=19700101' from SPAC23C4.08.1 no db_xref for sumoylated lysine (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, sumoylated; cv=pt_mod; date=19700101' from SPAC30D11.10.1 no db_xref for isoprenylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, prenylated; qualifier=predicted; cv=pt_mod; residue=199-201; date=20090729' from SPAC4C5.02c.1 no db_xref for acetylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, acetylated; cv=pt_mod; evidence=ISS; date=20080807' from SPAC10F6.09c.1 no db_xref for biotinylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, biotinylated; evidence=TAS; date=20100304' from SPAC56E4.04c.1 no db_xref for palmitoylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, palmitoylated; cv=pt_mod; qualifier=predicted; date=19700101' from SPAC343.06c.1 no db_xref for glycosylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, glycosylated; cv=pt_mod; qualifier=predicted; date=20090213' from SPAC1002.13c.1 no db_xref for glycosylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, glycosylated; cv=pt_mod; evidence=ISM; with=Panther:PTHR31492; date=20090213' from SPAP11E10.02c.1 no db_xref for farnesylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, farnesylated; cv=pt_mod; date=19700101' from SPAC110.03.1 no db_xref for palmitoylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, palmitoylated; qualifier=predicted; cv=pt_mod; date=19700101' from SPAC17H9.09c.1 no db_xref for farnesylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, farnesylated; cv=pt_mod; date=19700101' from SPAC17H9.09c.1 no db_xref for ubiquitinylated lysine (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, ubiquitinated; cv=pt_mod; date=20061128' from SPAC17H9.10c.1 no db_xref for farnesylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, farnesylated; qualifier=predicted; cv=pt_mod; date=19700101' from SPAC607.09c.1 no db_xref for glycosylphosphatidylinositolated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, GPI attachment site; cv=pt_mod; qualifier=predicted; date=20100104' from SPAC3C7.05c.1 no db_xref for ubiquitinylated lysine (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, ubiquitinated; cv=pt_mod; date=19700101' from SPAC3C7.14c.1 no db_xref for ubiquitinylated lysine (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, ubiquitinated; qualifier=predicted; date=20101008' from SPAC13G7.10.1 no db_xref for glycosylphosphatidylinositolated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, GPI attachment site; cv=pt_mod; qualifier=predicted; date=20100104' from SPAC25H1.09.1 found cvterm by ID, but name doesn't match any cvterm: GO:1903478 EMBL file: mitotic contractile ring assembly actin filament bundle convergence Chado name for ID: mitotic contractile ring assembly involved in actin filament bundle convergence: failed to load qualifier 'aspect=P; term=mitotic contractile ring assembly actin filament bundle convergence; GOid=GO:1903478; evidence=IDA; db_xref=PMID:19713940; date=20091223' from SPAC4F8.13c.1: ID in EMBL file (GO:0045842) doesn't match ID in Chado (GO:0010971) for EMBL term name positive regulation of G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle (Chado term name: positive regulation of mitotic metaphase/anaphase transition): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=P; term=positive regulation of G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle; GOid=GO:0045842; evidence=IGI; db_xref=PMID:11085271; with=PomBase:SPAC1006.09|PomBase:SPCC18B5.03|PomBase:SPAC24H6.05; date=20070821' from SPAC3F10.15c.1: no db_xref for farnesylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, farnesylated; cv=pt_mod; date=19700101' from SPAC16A10.04.1 no db_xref for ubiquitinylated lysine (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, ubiquitinated; cv=pt_mod; date=20060818' from SPAC6G10.12c.1 no db_xref for neddylated lysine (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, neddylated; cv=pt_mod; date=20060517' from SPAC3A11.08.1 unknown term name "guanyl nucleotide exchange factor inhibitor activity" and unknown GO ID "GO:1990624": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=F; term=guanyl nucleotide exchange factor inhibitor activity; GOid=GO:1990624; evidence=ISO; db_xref=PMID:25635048; with=UniProtKB:P13693; annotation_extension=has_direct_input(PomBase:tef5); date=20150131' from SPAC1F12.02c.1: no db_xref for glycosylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, glycosylated; cv=pt_mod; qualifier=predicted; date=20090213' from SPAPB18E9.04c.1 no db_xref for glycosylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, glycosylated; cv=pt_mod; qualifier=predicted; date=20090213' from SPAC19G12.16c.1 no db_xref for ubiquitinylated lysine (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, ubiquitinated; evidence=ISS; date=20100820' from SPAC26H5.02c.1 no db_xref for sumoylated lysine (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, sumoylated; evidence=ISS; date=20100820' from SPAC26H5.02c.1 no db_xref for glycosylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, glycosylated; cv=pt_mod; qualifier=predicted; date=20090213' from SPAC26H5.08c.1 no db_xref for farnesylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, farnesylated; cv=pt_mod; date=19700101' from SPAC1F7.04.1 no db_xref for sumoylated lysine (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, sumoylated; evidence=ISS; qualifier=predicted; cv=pt_mod; date=20091207' from SPAC25G10.04c.1 no db_xref for farnesylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, farnesylated; cv=pt_mod; date=19700101' from SPAC16.01.1 no db_xref for geranylgeranylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, gerenylgerenylated; cv=pt_mod; date=19700101' from SPAC16.01.1 no db_xref for farnesylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, farnesylated; cv=pt_mod; qualifier=predicted; date=19700101' from SPAC17C9.14.1 no db_xref for ubiquitinylated lysine (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, ubiquitinated; date=20110812' from SPAC17C9.13c.1 no db_xref for acetylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, acetylated; cv=pt_mod; date=20100311' from SPAC1834.03c.1 no db_xref for methylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, methylated; residue=K20; cv=pt_mod; date=20100311' from SPAC1834.03c.1 no db_xref for acetylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, acetylated; cv=pt_mod; date=20100311' from SPAC1834.04.1 no db_xref for methylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, methylated; residue=K4; cv=pt_mod; date=20100311' from SPAC1834.04.1 unknown term name "negative regulation of cytoplasmic translational initiation in response to stress" and unknown GO ID "GO:1990625": failed to load qualifier 'aspect=P; term=negative regulation of cytoplasmic translational initiation in response to stress; GOid=GO:1990625; evidence=IGI; db_xref=PMID:16278445; with=PomBase:SPBC36B7.09; date=20060104' from SPAC20G4.03c.1: no db_xref for glycosylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, glycosylated; cv=pt_mod; qualifier=predicted; date=20090213' from SPAPJ760.03c.1 no db_xref for glycosylphosphatidylinositolated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, GPI attachment site; cv=pt_mod; qualifier=predicted; date=20100104' from SPAPJ760.03c.1 no db_xref for glycosylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, glycosylated; cv=pt_mod; qualifier=predicted; date=20090213' from SPAC11E3.13c.1 no db_xref for glycosylphosphatidylinositolated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, GPI attachment site; cv=pt_mod; qualifier=predicted; date=20100104' from SPAC11E3.13c.1 no db_xref for ubiquitinylated lysine (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, ubiquitinated; cv=pt_mod; date=19700101' from SPAC29B12.03.1 no db_xref for glycosylphosphatidylinositolated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, GPI attachment site; cv=pt_mod; qualifier=predicted; date=20100104' from SPAC1039.11c.1 can't find feature for: SGD:S000029663 ortholog (SGD:S000029663) not found can't find feature for: SGD:S000029664 ortholog (SGD:S000029664) not found can't find feature for: SGD:S000029665 ortholog (SGD:S000029665) not found can't find feature for: SGD:S000029662 ortholog (SGD:S000029662) not found no db_xref for glycosylphosphatidylinositolated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, GPI attachment site; cv=pt_mod; qualifier=predicted; date=20100104' from SPAC750.05c.1 no db_xref for glycosylphosphatidylinositolated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, GPI attachment site; cv=pt_mod; qualifier=predicted; date=20100104' from SPAC750.07c.1 no SO type for mRNA - skipping no SO type for mRNA - skipping no db_xref for glycosylphosphatidylinositolated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, GPI attachment site; cv=pt_mod; qualifier=predicted; date=20100104' from SPBC1198.06c.1 no db_xref for farnesylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, farnesylated; cv=pt_mod; date=19700101' from SPBC428.16c.1 no db_xref for palmitoylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, palmitoylated; qualifier=predicted; cv=pt_mod; date=19700101' from SPBC354.14c.1 no db_xref for acetylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, acetylated; cv=pt_mod; date=20100311' from SPBC8D2.03c.1 no db_xref for methylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, methylated; residue=K20; cv=pt_mod; date=20100311' from SPBC8D2.03c.1 no db_xref for acetylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, acetylated; cv=pt_mod; date=20100311' from SPBC8D2.04.1 no db_xref for methylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, methylated; residue=K4|K9; cv=pt_mod; date=20100311' from SPBC8D2.04.1 no db_xref for acetylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, acetylated; cv=pt_mod; qualifier=predicted; date=20060518' from SPBC1711.06.1 no db_xref for biotinylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, biotinylated; evidence=TAS; date=20100304' from SPBC17G9.11c.1 no db_xref for sumoylated lysine (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, sumoylated; cv=pt_mod; date=20071123' from SPBC1921.02.1 no db_xref for glycosylphosphatidylinositolated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, GPI attachment site; cv=pt_mod; qualifier=predicted; date=20100104' from SPBC29A10.08.1 no db_xref for hypusine (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, hypusination; evidence=ISS; cv=pt_mod; date=20090518' from SPBC336.10c.1 no db_xref for N6-lipoyl-L-lysine (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, lipoylated; qualifier=predicted; cv=pt_mod; date=20100304' from SPBP19A11.01.1 no db_xref for N6-lipoyl-L-lysine (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, lipoylated; evidence=NAS; date=20100304' from SPBC776.15c.1 no db_xref for glycosylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, glycosylated; cv=pt_mod; qualifier=predicted; date=20090213' from SPBC11C11.05.1 no db_xref for acetylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, acetylated; cv=pt_mod; date=20100311' from SPBC1105.11c.1 no db_xref for methylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, methylated; residue=K4|K9; cv=pt_mod; date=20100311' from SPBC1105.11c.1 no db_xref for acetylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, acetylated; cv=pt_mod; date=20100311' from SPBC1105.12.1 no db_xref for methylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, methylated; residue=K20; cv=pt_mod; date=20100311' from SPBC1105.12.1 Can't call method "trim" on an undefined value at /home/kmr44/git/pombase-legacy/lib/PomBase/Chado/ line 148, line 171279.: failed to load qualifier 'aspect=P; ter=regulation of G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle; GOid=GO:0010389; evidence=IMP; db_xref=PMID:2474475; with=PomBase:SPBC11B10.09; date=20050427' from SPBC887.10.1: no db_xref for acetylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, acetylated; qualifier=predicted; cv=pt_mod; date=20060518' from SPBP8B7.03c.1 no db_xref for N-glycyl-1-(phosphatidyl)ethanolamine (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, phosphatidylethanolaminated; qualifier=predicted; cv=pt_mod; date=20091125' from SPBP8B7.24c.1 no db_xref for glycosylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, glycosylated; cv=pt_mod; qualifier=predicted; date=20090213' from SPBC1289.15.1 no db_xref for N6-lipoyl-L-lysine (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, lipoylated; qualifier=predicted; evidence=ISS; cv=pt_mod; date=20100305' from SPCC794.07.1 no db_xref for glycosylated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, glycosylated; cv=pt_mod; qualifier=predicted; date=20090213' from SPCC1742.01.1 no db_xref for N6-lipoyl-L-lysine (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, lipoylated; evidence=NAS; date=20100304' from SPCC1259.09c.1 no db_xref for ubiquitinylated lysine (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, ubiquitinated; cv=pt_mod; date=20100311' from SPCC622.09.1 no db_xref for glycosylphosphatidylinositolated residue (PSI-MOD): failed to load qualifier 'term=modification, GPI attachment site; cv=pt_mod; qualifier=predicted; date=20100104' from SPCC1223.12c.1 no SO type for source - skipping no SO type for source - skipping failed to add annotation extension to SPBC16D10.09.1 <-> ubiquitinylated lysine: occurs_during() not allowed for PSI-MOD failed to add annotation extension to SPCC338.08.1 <-> phosphorylated residue: occurs_during() not allowed for PSI-MOD failed to add annotation extension to SPBC16D10.09.1 <-> ubiquitinylated lysine: occurs_during() not allowed for PSI-MOD