The first two columns are the same as in PB-1071, so I've included all of the relations from the list there. Not all are used in extensions as of the v37 GAF, and of the ones in use not all are used with PomBase gene IDs. ||name||display text||reciprocal annotation display text, or comment|| activated_by activated by N/A (only used with ChEBI IDs; could use 'activates') dependent_on dependent on Do we want to capture a reciprocal for this? At present there's only one with a PomBase ID, and for a reciprocal annotation to make sense it would have to include the GO term from col5 as well. during during N/A (only used with GO IDs) exists_during during N/A (only used with GO IDs) happens_during during N/A (only used with GO IDs) has_part has part N/A (only used with SO IDs) has_regulation_target regulates regulated by in_presence_of in presence of Do we want to capture a reciprocal for this? At present there are only two with PomBase IDs, and for a reciprocal annotation to make sense it would have to include the GO term from col5 as well. independent_of independent of N/A (not used at present, and if used, reciprocal would require GO term as well as PomBase ID) inhibited_by inhibited by N/A (only used with ChEBI IDs; could use 'inhibits') localization_dependent_on localized by (or could use 'localization requires') localizes not_dependent_on not dependent on N/A (only used with GO IDs) not_during except during N/A (only used with GO IDs) not_exists_during except during N/A (only used with GO IDs) not_happens_during except during N/A (only used with GO IDs) not_occurs_at not at N/A (not used with PomBase IDs; mix of GO, SO, CL) not_occurs_in not in N/A (not used with PomBase IDs; mix of GO, SO, CL) occurs_at at N/A (not used with PomBase IDs; mix of GO, SO, CL) occurs_in in N/A (not used with PomBase IDs; mix of GO, SO, CL) part_of part of N/A (only used with CL IDs) requires_direct_regulator requires direct regulation by directly regulates requires_localization only when located at N/A (only used with GO IDs) requires_modification only with modification N/A (only used with MOD IDs ... and those annotations should eventually be converted to using PR IDs in col17 instead) requires_regulation_by requires regulation by regulates (note: not used at present) requires_regulator requires regulates requires_sequence_feature requires N/A (only used with Pfam or SO IDs) requires_substance requires N/A (only used with ChEBI IDs) requires_target_sequence_feature requires feature in target N/A (not used at present, and would only used with Pfam IDs) stabilizes stabilizes N/A (not used at present) For some relations, the best display string depends on term and its ancestry. These relations are affected: has_input, has_direct_input, has_indirect_input and the desired display for any of the three would be: if descendent of display GO:0003824 catalytic activity has substrate substrate of GO:0006810 transport transports transported by GO:0005215 transporter activity transports transported by GO:0005488 binding binds binds GO:0051179 localization localizes localized by For phenotypes, the only extensions that will need reciprocal annotations use the assayed_using relation. The simplest way to display them would be to gloss over overexpression/knockdown of wild type (counting on users to be smart enough to figure out what's going on), and jsut use one display text snippet: name display text reciprocal annotation display text assayed_using affecting affected by mutation in But there are a couple of other options. - We could use a longer, clunkier display text, e.g. 'affected by mutation or expression change in' - The display conversion code could do something sophisticated like "if the allele is wild type (and therefore expression must be overexpression or knockdown), use 'affected by expression change in'; otherwise use 'affected by mutation in'" ---------- This is a more minimal list, covering just relations that (a) are in use and (b) would yield sensible reciprocals. For more, see annotation_extension_reciprocal_notes.txt. name display text reciprocal annotation display text has_regulation_target regulates regulated by localization_dependent_on localized by localizes requires_direct_regulator requires direct regulation by directly regulates requires_regulator requires regulates assayed_using affecting affected by mutation in For has_input, has_direct_input, has_indirect_input, it's more a case of "if we're displaying X for the annotation, the reciprocal should display Y", so: relation displayed as reciprocal displayed as has substrate substrate of by transports transported by binds binds localizes localized by