! This is a minimal list of annotation extension relations, providing ! friendly display text for the extensions themselves and for any ! reciprocal annotations that can be inferred. It includes only those ! relations that (a) are in use and (b) would yield sensible ! reciprocals. For more, see ! annotation_extension_reciprocal_notes.txt. name display text reciprocal annotation display text has_regulation_target regulates regulated by localization_dependent_on localized by localizes requires_direct_regulator requires direct regulation by directly regulates requires_regulator requires regulates assayed_using affecting affected by mutation in ! For some relations, the best display string depends on term and its ancestry. These relations are affected: ! has_input, has_direct_input, has_indirect_input ! ! For these, it's more a case of "if we're displaying X for the annotation, the reciprocal should display Y", so: relation displayed as reciprocal displayed as has substrate substrate of by transports transported by binds binds localizes localized by ! or, more verbose: ! relation if descendent of display reciprocal display ! has_input GO:0003824 catalytic activity has substrate substrate of ! has_input GO:0006810 transport transports transported by ! has_input GO:0005215 transporter activity transports transported by ! has_input GO:0005488 binding binds binds ! has_input GO:0051179 localization localizes localized by ! has_direct_input GO:0003824 catalytic activity has substrate substrate of ! has_direct_input GO:0006810 transport transports transported by ! has_direct_input GO:0005215 transporter activity transports transported by ! has_direct_input GO:0005488 binding binds binds ! has_direct_input GO:0051179 localization localizes localized by ! has_indirect_input GO:0003824 catalytic activity has substrate substrate of ! has_indirect_input GO:0006810 transport transports transported by ! has_indirect_input GO:0005215 transporter activity transports transported by ! has_indirect_input GO:0005488 binding binds binds ! has_indirect_input GO:0051179 localization localizes localized by