This directory contains files related to the gene ontology (GO) annotations curated by PomBase: 3 files listing the GO slim identifiers and term names used in PomBase: - mf_go_slim_terms.tsv for GO molecular function slim terms - bp_go_slim_terms.tsv for GO biological process slim terms - cc_go_slim_terms.tsv for GO cellular component slim terms "slims" are subsets of an ontology that provide a broad overview of annotation distribution. 2 lists of all GO annotations from PomBase in GO Annotation File (GAF) format: - one in "GO style" format, as described in - one in "PomBase style" format, in which column 4 ("Relation" in the GO style format) is only used to record the "NOT" qualifier when specified. These files include annotations made by manual literature curation, annotations inferred from keyword mappings based on curated descriptions, and annotations shared by the UniProt GOA team. gene_product_annotation_data_taxonid_4896.tsv: A GPAD formatted file of GO annotation for Gene Ontology database See for more about GPAD and GPI files gene_product_information_taxonid_4896.tsv: GPI data for the GO database