This directory contains data from the monthly release of PomBase for 2023-08-02. PomBase is a comprehensive knowledgebase for the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, providing literature curation, analysis tools, genome annotation and access to large-scale data sets. Website: For help with any of these datasets please contact the PomBase helpdesk: Please cite any use of this data: Kim Rutherford, Manuel Lera-Ramírez, Valerie Wood PomBase: a Global Core Biodata Resource — growth, collaboration, and sustainability Genetics, February 2024 Contents of this release: chado_database: - PostgreSQL database dumps in Chado ( format curated_orthologs: - curated ortholog sets for pombe-human, pombe-cerevisiae and pombe-japonicus exports_for_external_resources: - files generated for the use of the other databases and resources gene_expression: - gene_names_and_identifiers: - PomBase gene identifiers, names, gene products, feature types, UniProt IDs gene_ontology: - Gene ontology annotation for S. pombe genome_sequence_and_features: - genome, gene and protein sequence data (FASTA format) - gene, exon, intron and cds coordinates - GFF and EMBL format files human_disease_annotation: - pombe disease associations using the MONDO ontology macromolecular_complexes: - pombe annotation for macromolecular complexes phenotypes_and_genotypes: - Gene Ontology, phenotype, , disease association, complexes, gene expression and other datasets protein_features: - protein modifications - protein families and domains, disordered regions and transmembrane domains - protein statistics: weight, pI, charge - amino acid composition training_data_for_ML_and_AI: -