Last updated: 2025-03-13 429297 annotations 4738 curated publications
Genotype: mug165Δ nts1Δ png3Δ
Gene Product Allele name Description Type Expression
mug165 Clr6 histone deacetylase complex subunit Mug165 mug165Δ deletion deletion Null
nts1 Clr6 histone deacetylase complex subunit Nts1 nts1Δ deletion deletion Null
png3 ING family homolog Png3 png3Δ deletion deletion Null
Multi-locus phenotype
Filters: Term
+ decreased transposable element-derived small RNA level
+ increased level of stress responsive gene mRNA during vegetative growth
+ increased level of transmembrane transport gene mRNA during vegetative growth
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Details Year
A novel histone deacetylase complex in the control of transcription and genome stability.
Zilio N et al. Mol Cell Biol 2014 Sep 15;34(18):3500-14 PMID:25002536 details ...