CU329671_intron_2895824..2896000 has no uniquename - skipping CU329671_intron_3148678..3148776 has no uniquename - skipping CU329671_intron_3391305..3391350 has no uniquename - skipping unknown qualifier: /ribosomal_slippage invalid /db_xref: : failed to load qualifier 'term=misc, repeat region consensus DSESESSSEDSDSSSSSS ~7 copies; db_xref=; date=20240813' from SPBC1711.05 CU329672_intron_697750..697874 has no uniquename - skipping invalid /db_xref: : failed to load qualifier 'term=name description, Domain of Unknown function at the Cortex; db_xref=; date=20240911' from SPCC594.01 mating_type_region.contig: no SO type for gene - skipping mating_type_region.contig: no SO type for gene - skipping failed to add annotation extension to SPCC330.04c <-> homomeric(4): during() not allowed for subunit_composition, annotation: SPCC330.04c <-> homomeric(4)