CDS SPAC1D4.08.1 from gene: SPAC1D4.08:   failed to process feature: CDS feature has no systematic_id at /home/kmr44/git/pombase-legacy/lib/PomBase/Chado/ line 283.
mRNA SPAP27G11.07c.1: failed to add annotation: no such evidence code: IS0
mRNA SPAC20G4.02c.1: internal error, failed to find cvterm for GO:0045010O (GO:0045010): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=P; term=actin nucleation; GOid=GO:0045010O; evidence=ISM; db_xref=GO_REF:0000001; with=Pfam:Pf02181; date=20140702' from SPAC20G4.02c.1:
mRNA SPCC895.05.1: internal error, failed to find cvterm for GO:0045010O (GO:0045010): failed to load qualifier 'aspect=P; term=actin nucleation; GOid=GO:0045010O; evidence=ISM; db_xref=GO_REF:0000001; with=Pfam:Pf02181; date=20140702' from SPCC895.05.1: