Useless use of hash element in void context at /home/kmr44/git/pombase-chado/lib/PomBase/Import/ line 249. error in 58d8ad0dec113279: description for new allele "cdc10-I29(A1287G)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cdc10-I29(T429A)" (from session 58d8ad0dec113279) error in fc9305f756e323a2: DBIx::Class::Schema::txn_do(): can't find feature using identifier: SPBC32C12.02-promoter at /home/kmr44/git/pombase-chado/lib/PomBase/Import/ line 465 error in d68db45202ee441d: description for new allele "prp1-4(C1846A,C2336T)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "prp1-4(ntC1846A,C2336T)" error in dcd04bfe23f43146: DBIx::Class::Schema::txn_do(): annotation extension qualifier on SPCC1223.06:allele-1 not understood: assayed_using(mug33 at /home/kmr44/git/pombase-chado/lib/PomBase/Import/ line 465 error in 16802f31036c5732: description for new allele "cut8-563(S201P)" does not match the existing allele with the same name "cut8-563(T1283C)" (from session 20b51f83ef3dce69) error in 7cec44eee583f82d: DBIx::Class::Schema::txn_do(): can't find term with ID: SO:0002006 at /home/kmr44/git/pombase-chado/lib/PomBase/Import/ line 465 error in d3c28a9773ee0a38: DBIx::Class::Schema::txn_do(): can't find feature using identifier: SPBC16G5.15c-promoter at /home/kmr44/git/pombase-chado/lib/PomBase/Import/ line 465